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  1. Adobe Flash replacement?

    We are using Flash for HUDs as it allows an artist with familiar tools to create great looking overlays for the screen. I see from https://developer.unigine.com/en/docs/1.0/scripting/library/gui/class.widgetflash that Flash is no longer under development. Will the current version continue to be supported or is there an alternative (SVG? HTML5 + JS?) in the works?
  2. [SOLVED] Saving GUI State

    Is there a mechanism for saving the parameters input into an editor window? Seems trivial and I looked into how it was done for the Materials and Properties dialogs but those only save engine values directly.
  3. I start a thread called "mainloop", as below. I expect it to rewind the video after 5 seconds. Instead the video skips back to the start for a single frame then carries on. void mainloop() { Gui gui; WidgetSpriteVideo bgvid; AmbientSource bgvidsound; gui = engine.getGui(); bgvid = new WidgetSpriteVideo(gui,"data/mupK/mov1.ogv", 0); bgvidsound = new AmbientSource("data/mupK/mov1.ogv", 0); bgvid.setAmbientSource(bgvidsound); gui.addChild(bgvid, GUI_ALIGN_BACKGROUND); while(1) { bgvid.stop(); bgvidsound.stop(); bgvid.setVideoTime(1.0f); bgvidsound.setTime(1.0f); bgvidsound.play(); bgvid.play(); sleep(5.0f); } }
  4. Hi How do I display text that can change (get its value from a variable ) with this size using a ttf font; see images: It MUST be allways in front of anything like setOrder(100);
  5. It would make creating and controlling Flash content a bit easier if we had the ability to show/hide elements. From my reading of https://developer.unigine.com/en/docs/1.0/code/actionscript the 'visible' attribute is not exposed. What we want is to keep content creation inside well-developed tools rather than coding functionality in C++ or UngineScript.
  6. I am exploring Flash capabilities of Unigine and see this error message. I created a .SWF in "Adobe Flash Professional CC" (version I have tried setting the "publish settings" to both the oldest and newest versions. I am loading the SWF with the code; flash = new WidgetFlash(engine.getGui(),swfpath); engine.gui.addChild(flash,GUI_ALIGN_OVERLAP | GUI_ALIGN_BACKGROUND); flash.setFrame(0); I have attached a .ZIP of the flash file and compiled SWF. There is no actionscript. two.zip
  7. Calling Action Script 3.0 (the current version) functions from Unigine script does not appear to work. Older versions work. flash = new WidgetFlash(engine.getGui(),swfpath); if (flash == NULL) { log.message("Failed to load [%s]\n",swfpath); return NULL; } log.message("Loaded SWF [%s]\n",swfpath); engine.gui.addChild(flash,GUI_ALIGN_OVERLAP | GUI_ALIGN_BACKGROUND); flash.play(); flash.runFunction("test_function"); log.message("Height = [%d]\n",flash.getFlashHeight()); The issue seems to me to be focussed around the new code layout in Flash CC / AS3.0. The new way is to have a "package {}" wrapper around an AS class, for example the AS code that I'm trying to call is below; package two { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class two extends MovieClip { public function two() { // constructor code trace("constructor"); } public function test_function() { trace("test_function called"); //Engine.logError("Test!"); } } } The error message given is FlashContext::runFunction(): can't find "test_function" function I have also tried calling it as; test_function() two.test_function two.test_function() It is important to get this version of Flash / Actionscript working as Adobe do not sell or support the older versions any more.
  8. Scalable GUI

    I spend a lot of time programming Android applications and found automatic GUI scaling very useful - there are lots of different screen resolutions and DPIs, so you'll never have to use fixed-size widgets. I was very surprised that in Unigine there is no way to automatically re-scale GUI. Even more, most widgets fail to correctly respond to setWidth/setHeight methods - sometimes those are just ignore and sometimes (i.e. for icons) only widget frame is changed while inner picture remains fixed. Is there a way of scaling GUI and/or widgets depending on screen resolution without inventing the wheel with custom controls based on WidgetSprite?
  9. Is it possible to fetch external data using Actionscript in a .SWF and populate text fields using what is returned? I see from http://unigine.com/devlog/2011/02/28/86 that a subset of ActionScript is supported but I can't see how I would be able to get external data (JSON over HTTP). Or is there a better way of using flash as a dynamic template?
  10. Hello! We tried the capabilities of GUI system that comes with the engine. UI + RC is not popular https://developer.unigine.com/en/docs/1.0/code/gui/ Many people prefer WidgetSprites and write GUI layout in scripts. This means that it is necessary to appoint a programmer for a simple operation to deploy GUI elements. Have you any ideas how to improve this? WYSIWYG) For example, like this http://www.tasharen.com/?page_id=140 https://code.google.com/p/bitverse-unity-gui/
  11. [SOLVED] Howto convert GUI_ALIGN_*

    Hello together, I have a little problem: I would like to cast a string with "GUI_ALIGN_CENTER" to the defined Ungine -> https://developer.unigine.com/en/docs/1.0/scripting/library/gui/class.gui#GUI_ALIGN_CENTER Is this possible? int("GUI_ALIGN_CENTER") or call("GUI_ALIGN_CENTER") isn't working. Also it would be cool if "GUI_ALIGN_CENTER | GUI_ALIGN_OVERLAP" would work aswell. I could write a select-case for this but maybe theres a better solution? Thanks for the feedback Greetings Lars
  12. Hi, I have a Unigine::Widgets::Window with a virtual monitor that it's displaying the same image as main viewport. I already done using a WidgetSpriteViewport and the engine.game player. I suspect I'm rendering the same image twice. I wonder if there is another way more efficent to do this. Something similar to image_00 sample but instead of calling engine.render.renderImage2D(), using the already rendered image created by main viewport. Thanks in advance, Iván.
  13. Problem Strange system behavior when an objectgui widget is clicked. It causes wrong intersection operations and player control failure. Reproduction steps It's not automatic but easy to reproduce (just repeat steps 3-4 until it happens): Place attached zip content in data/samples folder. Execute guiproblem world Click on any of the labels (an engine message is shown "s:label 1" or "s:label 2") Click over the box and the label callback is invoked again. Once this happens, you can click the background and the callback will be invoked again. In addition you wouldn't be able to control player. Thanks in advance. teacherview.zip
  14. Sorry for the stupid question, please give me some advice. I need to simulate the situation of dropping items from inventory to the game environment. By what event can we define this action? thanks in advance
  15. Hi. Who has tried to use the Gui::setSkin(string path) to change the look of the interface? Please tell me how to use it. Thanks in advance.
  16. Hello. WidgetLabel with a child element, not being translated. Tell me how to get around, you need a text style translation.rar
  17. And you can lock the scale of one of the sides of the window, or change the size to the maximum value? For example in a chat in horizontal window does not change size, but on the vertical of the possible.
  18. Hi, In file scripts/common/dialogs.h there is a mistake in method load_config(): void load_config() { //if(engine.config.isExist(config_name) == 0) { /* This causes an error because it's true when "color_dialog_palette_default" doesn't exits and can't be read from config */ if(engine.config.isExist(config_name)) { dialog.setPaletteColors(engine.config.getString(config_name)); } } Regads.
  19. A bug with the order of events on the stack for GUI ... Gui gui = engine.getGui(); WidgetButton btn1 = new WidgetButton(gui, "Button 1"); btn1.setCallback( GUI_ENTER, "onEnter", 1 ); btn1.setCallback( GUI_LEAVE, "onLeave", 1 ); gui.addChild(btn1); WidgetButton btn2 = new WidgetButton(gui, "Button 2"); btn2.setCallback( GUI_ENTER, "onEnter", 2 ); btn2.setCallback( GUI_LEAVE, "onLeave", 2 ); gui.addChild(btn2); ... void onEnter( int id ) { log.message("onEnter( 'Button %d' )\n", id); } void onLeave( int id ) { log.message("onLeave( 'Button %d' )\n", id); } Please see the result in the attached picture. OrderEvent.rar
  20. I have a template interface elements (blank), I want to use it a few times <vbox name="canvas" export="1" /> <hbox name="blank" export="1"> <editline width="100"></editline> <button><text>OK</text></button> </hbox> WidgetVBox canvas; WidgetHBox blank; canvas.addChild( blank, GUI_ALIGN_EXPAND ); canvas.addChild( blank, GUI_ALIGN_EXPAND ); canvas.addChild( blank, GUI_ALIGN_EXPAND ); canvas.addChild( blank, GUI_ALIGN_EXPAND ); canvas.addChild( blank, GUI_ALIGN_EXPAND ); How to do it, tell me an option?
  21. Can I add a child WidgetVBox to a parent Unigine::Widgets::VBox? Example: Gui gui = engine.getGui(); WidgetVBox childVB = new WidgetVBox(gui); Unigine::Widgets::VBox parentVB = new Unigine::Widgets::VBox(); parentVB.addChild(childVB); // Error: Machine::do_callucfv(): "WidgetVBox 02e4f920 internal (12:21:21)" is not a user class If so, how?
  22. [SOLVED] Chat - GUI?

    Hello Unigine-Team, i'm implementing at the moment a chat system in our project. Sadly there are no right "Widgets" to use aswell as functionality to post/render a chat-system. In attachment you'll find a screenshot. Problems: 1. Scrollbar: If I got an edittext and put a scrollbox arround it, and say scrollbox is 500 width and edittext 475, the edittext is growing bigger, Why ever. and fits then into a scrollbox. When the "Scrollbox" is activated now, the v and h sliders are getting INTO the frame and not OUTER the frame, which is not useable aswell, cause this triggers automaticly scrollbars. 2. I cant use a GUI element to insert text, that will be right rendered with "HTML" with fonts etc, which would fit in the right width and do an linebreak if needed. Like DIV'S in html. 3. If I take a Label, I cant "copy" the chatted text. 4. I cant check how long the text "would" be after posting, so I can say "after 70 chars split" but if I use "iiiiiii" this is much smaller as a d. 4.1. Please don't say now "attach an label to another widget, arrange it and then check" Summary: Please add following functionality to the WidgetText: - Automatic line break when text width is bigger then widget width. - Make text selectable through the user so he can copy&past it. - Too it would be very usefully to create link-able text. Example: [some Item] -> Tiggers an action that display the item in another widget. Best regards Lars
  23. [SOLVED] Change skin for widget

    Hi how to specify for a particular widget to use another gui(skin) in the code. For example, for WidgetHSlider or WidgetCheckBox. Another question: how to create custom widgets, such as in the attachment. I've done with the fake. Created a slider, made ​​him empty texture (problem here - all sliders use this texture :) ), and top "nailed" widgetSprite. I looked at the source oil rush, there is a solution with the newly created widget_sprited. But to use "as is" I could not get, too many attachments drags. Question to unigine: What about the implementation of these widgets in the engine? That would be very cool! Thanks!
  24. [SOLVED] InterfaceWindow

    Hey Unigine, I realy can't get the understanding of how to use the "InterfaceWindow", I understand that the InterfaceWindow can be put out in unigine and moved arround on the whole OS. I saw how it works in the "Interface-Demo" on your SDK, but thats it. I can't understand how I can get this to my own ".ui" files or to generated dynamic GUI code. I tried to search for the WidgetInterface.h to include it or something like this with no succeed. I also tried to understand the "interface.cpp" but also with no success how this is working together. So please would you be so kind and would prepare me a little demo with a .ui file and a dynamic code gui which i can drag arround on my OS? So I could include this into our game. Best regards & Thanks Lars
  25. [SOLVED] GUI - Padding

    Hello Unigine, like I requested in an older task, I just want to get this feature up again, its really hard to implement a "functionality" GUI without a "padding" function (http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_padding.asp). Could you please think anew about implementing this feature? Thanks Lars
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