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  1. Hello, Is there another way to animate object than using ObjectMeshSkinned (which require to have bones) ? For example I have a door and I want the open/close animation to done into 3DSMax by the art team. Ok for a simple door the animation can be done by code ... but If we want something fancy it will be better if it is animated by the art team. Thanks.
  2. Can we add animation form FBX now?
  3. Editor will not allow to add animation file :( So its not playing :( Why is this happening! Thanks Paul The other image says can't find bones in animation but it work fine in Mesh Viewer - what is going wrong! Animation file attached : https://www.dropbox.com/s/hdyyq4p2ou8psby/anim.zip It works in Mesh Viewer:
  4. Hi, Unigine. I have a question about Animation. I add Transform Node include Spline Path in editor mode. And added Box mesh child. like this(see Attach file). If spline path is in camera's Field of View, animation is playing. But if spling path is out camera's Field of View, animation is not playing. I want to play animation all of time. Not use script. What can I control Anmation? Have some option? Does not exist Solution??
  5. [SOLVED] Fadable Objects

    Hi all. I am fairly new to Unigine and gradually learning the various tools/features. My query is, I am looking to fade in an object when the player/camera is lets say 100 units away from the object, and then once the object is no longer in visible, it then fades out/de-animates. Is this possible to do without scripting? Possibly using the schemer? Thanks
  6. 1. Undo an edit 2. Flatten tangent handle to horizontal button. In max curve editor there is a button for making the in/out horizontal. I need this to make an object stop for a period of time and doing it by eye is impossible. Another way to achieve this in max is just to grab a key and copy it to a new time. This automatically creates a straight horizontal curve between the 2 keys. It would be nice if copying keys in unigine did that. 3. Better visualisation of the animated point on the spline. its really hard to see at the moment. 4. Visualise where cameras are all the time, not just when selected. There could be a toggle in Show to turn them off when not needed. 5. toggle to only show curves for selected track. 6. More control of animation playback parameters of smeshes. ie eg play from frame 40 to 85 then 250 to 210. 7. Make the floppy disc icon able to add keys while track is active (has E on). Otherwise for a transform i have to click in the timeline 3 times to add a key for x,y,z and then i have to drag them to align them at the same time. 8. A way to copy parameters between tracks (currently im copying by text file) Thanks
  7. Camera animation from FBX

    In a 3D match-moving tool, I can create and animate a camera (the tool analyses the footage to derive the 3D position/rotation of the "real world" camera). Then export the animated camera in an FBX file. But I cannot see how to save the animation of the camera for later re-play. Am I missing something simple? I can see the camera animating correctly by sliding the FBX importer "Time" control but there are no files saved by the importer.
  8. Hey. I have an animated character, I load the sword for him in a separate thread, and then his bones cling always at least see the water frame sword without binding. how to solve? Привет. У меня есть анимированный персонаж,я загружаю меч для него в отдельном потоке,затем цепляю его кости, всегда как минимум водном кадре вижу меч без привязки. как решить?
  9. Hi When I play the game on my computer using (launch_release.bat) the video and animation is in sync but when the client plays it on a faster computer the video and animation is out of sync :( I've also tested on a faster computer with a good video card and it's in sync! Why would this be? I set video by email the animation and video starts at 0:26
  10. Hello, Got some queries that formed when I was trying to understand unigine animation and skinner tool. 1. Ragdoll effect : I want to play a hurt arm animation where the gun-holding arm of an AI character is shot and hanging loosely (thinking of adding ragdoll effect on this arm). I'd also like it to use the character's other arm to hold the hurt arm. How can I keep the free arm attached properly to the hurt one? Should I be using a bone to bone attachment or something similar? Will the ragdolled arm make the attachment imprecise? 2. Character rotation and translation : Does Unigine require in-place animation with translation done through code or can I add forward movement within the animation itself? Same case with rotation, is this done through code? Or do I use animation interpolation between 4 animations rotated towards cardinal axes? 3. Animation speed factor : I need to do a looping animation with non-uniform speed within each loop, where character is hurt and limping or dragging towards destination (as against a uniform-speed running anim). Assuming that character translation should be done from code, how can I do it without making it look like its sliding? Hope these make some sense! Thanks.
  11. [WONTFIX] Controlled bug...

    При использовании параметра controlled обнаружилась рассинхронизация мешей. Как с этим бороться? Подробнее на видео. Небольшие коментарии к видео: В самом начале видно что прическа несихронизирована с головой. Может это дефект скина? Но нет... Далее видно, что взяв копии одного и того-же меша (но с разными включенными поверхностями, для наглядности), и связав из через controlled, видим швы, которых быть не должно (меши то идентичные). При увеличении нагрузки на движок (с падением FPS) рассинхронизация усиливается. In-english: When using the controlled param, was found desync meshes. How about it? More details in the video. Small comments to the video: In the beginning, it is seen that hair is not synchronized with the head. Maybe it's defective skin? But no ... Take two copies of the mesh (with different surfaces enabled, for clarity) and linking them through controlled, we see the seams, which should not be (that meshes identical). By increasing the burden on engine (with the fall FPS) desync increases. (18+ only!!!)
  12. [SOLVED] .sanim scales model

    Hi, i was wondering if it is possible to disable scaling of character meshes when a .sanim file is loaded? Here is the problem, we have a set of characters that all share a set of .sanim files, for all of the adult characters this works fine as they are all the same scale. However we also have a set of smaller characters (with the same bone structure and count), these are elderly people and children etc. In 3ds max loading the .bip file to the small characters works fine, however after exporting and applying one of the .sanim files that the other sized characters use in Unigine the small characters get scaled up to the size of the adults (who were used to export the base set of .sanim files). Can we disable this scaling? we do not want to have to export a seperate set of animations for different sized characters if possible, but to just have one base set of animations for all the characters. thankyou in advance
  13. [SOLVED] Tracker - Keyframer

    After much anticipation and waiting the Tracker is finally here. It looks like it will be a powerful tool, but in its current state it needs a lot more work to be useful. Features that it really needs. - ability to create and edit beziers in 3D scene to use as animation paths. These then need % tracks similar to max path animation. We have been asking for this feature for 3 years. - i have tried animating a camera in the Tracker but it turned into a nightmare while animating camera rotation. It was interesting to note that the cameras in valley demo were not animated using the tracker (as far as i can tell). - no undo a change in position etc - It was odd that to edit live transform keyframes in the 3d scene, you need to deselect the object you are animating. Is there a reason for this? A working demo scene would be good. The valley demo seems to have most of its workings hidden.
  14. .md5b and .animb support is broken

    Models and their animation from Enemy Territory Quake Wars (.md5b and .animb) are not being loaded correctly into the mesh viewer. There is nothing in the viewport, however, I can see UV maps of the loaded models.
  15. Ragdoll & .sanim Files: Ignoring Scaling

    Hello I recently exported my Character from 3DS Max into Unigine. The model is 10:1 Scaled, so i exported the MeshDynamic with a Scale of 0,1 (Generic Units). The Mesh fits well, but if you START an Animation or Activate Ragdoll, it gets to it's origin Form, say it ignores Scale. Okay, so i tried a workaround: Export the Model with Scale 1 (1:1) and try again = works fine But i wanted to scale it... so i tried 2 things: A) Scale the Mesh direct on the Node, and B ) make it a child of a dummy node, and scale the dummy. Result = Both ways the Mesh pops again to it's 1:1 Scale when starting an Animation or disabling Framebased on the Ragdoll. So my suggestion on this = Ragdoll ignores the Scaling of the Object and Animations are not Scaleable, neither in Editor with Mesh Scaling Parameters nor with direct Scaled export in 3DS Max. The core Problem maybe is, that there is no Scaling Option when Exporting .sanim Files? Because if you export dynamic meshes, you can scale them with an animation. But obviously i need .sanim and not a couple of meshdynamic =) But still, Scaling should be taken into the calculation of the Ragdoll and Animation - Because Characters have different Sizes, are thin or fat, whatever the players create while they create a character to the game - so scaling is important for us. I will also post the scaling for .sanim export on the Feature Requests. Also, that you can make them Align BOTTOM and not by default (not changeable) WORLD @ .sanim export module, because this makes big trouble if you export the meshdynamic with BOTTOM and the Animation is WORLD in any case. Greets / приветствие Pascal
  16. I know this is already on many peoples requests for the next build but thought it would good to suggest features people would like to see in the cutscene editor. All i know so far is that is will be similar to UDK Matinee. Some features we would like: - ability to create and edit beziers in Ungine - movement on splines created in Max (or other) or creation of beziers in Unigine. - keyframed animation with object linking. - import of keyframed animation from the 3dsmax timeline (or other package). (not sure how hard this would be) - abillity to loop or stop animations, out of range - ability to change the total timeline length and restart when the timeline reaches its end. - material animation.
  17. Is there a tool that assist in creating .character file? I looked into the script from the character demo and it's crazily complex. Was it created manually? o_O
  18. It's been a while since I inqured about it last time. Has anything changed? Is there a robust way to get animated and static models from Blender to Unigine yet? Thank you.
  19. I am thinking to find a Python coder who can help with creating a robust exporter into Unigine's mesh/animation format from Blender. What would I need to deliver to the coder so he could successfully develop such exporter?
  20. [SOLVED] Loading and Playing Animations

    Hi guys, I was looking into "character system" for how to load animations and play them. I came across some code which actually confused me. This is from actor.h from one of the samples : string animations[] = ( STATE_WALK_IDLE : "idle.sanim", STATE_WALK_JUMP : "jump.sanim", STATE_WALK_FORWARD : "walk_fwd.sanim", STATE_WALK_BACKWARD : "walk_bwd.sanim", STATE_WALK_MOVE_LEFT : "walk_lt.sanim", STATE_WALK_MOVE_RIGHT : "walk_rt.sanim", STATE_WALK_TURN_LEFT : "walk_lt.sanim", STATE_WALK_TURN_RIGHT : "walk_rt.sanim", STATE_RUN_FORWARD : "run_fwd.sanim", STATE_RUN_BACKWARD : "walk_bwd.sanim", STATE_RUN_MOVE_LEFT : "run_lt.sanim", STATE_RUN_MOVE_RIGHT : "run_rt.sanim", ); PlayerActorSkinned(PlayerActor a) { actor = a; mesh = add_editor(new ObjectMeshSkinned("samples/players/meshes/actor_00.smesh")); for(int i = 0; i < mesh.getNumSurfaces(); i++) { mesh.setMaterial(get_material(i),i); mesh.setProperty("surface_base","*"); mesh.setCollision(0,i); } mesh.setNumLayers(7); foreach(string animation; animations) { animation = "samples/players/meshes/actor_00/" + animation; mesh.setAnimation(animation); } } void set_layer(int layer,float weight) { mesh.setLayer(layer); mesh.setWeight(weight); } void set_frame(int state,float time) { if(mesh.getWeight() > EPSILON) { mesh.setAnimation(animations[state]); mesh.setFrame(time * fps[state]); } } My confusion : -Why setAnimation function take different arguments once with path and once without path. -Will it always load animation from external file, that's what description of the function says. Isn't it slow bcoz second setAnimation is being called from "::update" ? And one more thing can we TWO set animations in one LAYER so blend them or each animation must be in separate layer ? BTW, character system is really helpful. Thanks Thanks
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