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How To
Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Settings and Preferences
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Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Built-in Node Types
Light Sources
World Objects
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
Content Creation
Content Optimization
Art Samples
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Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Class Export

The scope of applications for UnigineScript is limited to implementing materials-related logic (material expressions, scriptable materials, brush materials). Do not use UnigineScript as a language for application logic, please consider C#/C++ instead, as these APIs are the preferred ones. Availability of new Engine features in UnigineScipt (beyond its scope of applications) is not guaranteed, as the current level of support assumes only fixing critical issues.

Unigine API supports class export from C++ into UnigineScript along with their:

  • Constructors
  • Member functions (up to eight arguments are supported)
Member variables cannot be exported. Since it is not possible to access them directly, you need to create accessor methods for them.

See also#

A simple application with C++ class implementation and export can be found in the <UnigineSDK>/source/samples/Api/Scripts/Classes/ directory.

Exporting a Class#

In order to export a C++ class into UnigineScript you need to implement a static method that:

  1. Creates an external C++ class via the MakeExternClass() function.
  2. Adds constructors to the external class via the Unigine::ExternClass<Class>::addConstructor() function.
  3. Adds methods to the external class via the Unigine::ExternClass<Class>::addFunction() function.

    If the method receives an array as an argument, you should specify the array declaration as the last argument of the addFunction() as follows:

    Source code (C++)
    If the target method has more than one argument, specify the array declaration on the corresponding position:
    Source code (C++)
    // the my_array() method receives an array as the second argument

    See also the Default Argument Values chapter of the Function Export article and the article on UnigineScript Containers for more details.

  4. Registers the external class via Unigine::Interpreter::addExternClass().
  5. Exports functions of the external class via the Interpreter::addExternFunction() function.
Note that static methods of classes are exported as pure functions.

For example:

Source code (C++)
class MyExternObject {
		// constructors
		MyExternObject() : mass(0.0f) {
		Log::warning("MyExternObject::MyExternObject(): called\n");
		MyExternObject(const vec3 &size, float mass) : size(size), mass(mass) {
			Log::warning("MyExternObject::MyExternObject((%g,%g,%g),%g): called\n", size.x, size.y, size.z, mass);

		// destructor
		~MyExternObject() {
			Log::warning("MyExternObject::~MyExternObject(): called\n");
		// export class to script
		static void registerClass();
		// size
		void setSize(const vec3 &s) {
			Log::warning("MyExternObject::setSize((%g,%g,%g)): called\n",s.x,s.y,s.z);
			size = s;
		const vec3 &getSize() const {
			return size;
		// mass
		void setMass(float m) {
			Log::warning("MyExternObject::setMass(%g): called\n",m);
			mass = m;
		float getMass() const {
			return mass;
		vec3 size;
		float mass;

MyExternObject *MakeMyExternObject(const vec3 &size,float mass) {
	return new MyExternObject(size,mass);

void DeleteMyExternObject(MyExternObject *object) {
	delete object;

void MyExternObjectSetSize(MyExternObject *object,const vec3 &size) {

const vec3 &MyExternObjectGetSize(MyExternObject *object) {
	return object->getSize();

// export the external class
void registerClass() {
	ExternClass<MyExternObject> *my_object = MakeExternClass<MyExternObject>();
	my_object->addConstructor<const vec3&, float>();
	// export external class functions

Then the implemented method registerClass() can be called as follows:

  • In the main() function before Engine initialization:
    Source code (C++)
    #ifdef _WIN32
    	int wmain(int argc,wchar_t *argv[]) {
    	int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
    	// export the class
    	AppSystemLogic system_logic;
    	AppWorldLogic world_logic;
    	AppEditorLogic editor_logic;
    	Unigine::EnginePtr engine(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv);
    	// Enter main loop.
    	return 0;
    If the class uses the Engine and/or graphics resources, they should be processed properly in the main loop:
    • If the Engine resources are used (e.g. Texture, Image, Mesh, Node, etc.), the class should implement the init() and shutdown() methods, at least. Here creating and deleting of the resources should be done.
    • If the graphics resources are used, the class should also implement the destroyRenderResources() method. Here pointers and interfaces to GPU resources should be deleted.
    If, for example, the class creates the Engine resource in the constructor, and you export this class in the main() function, the Engine resource may be created before Engine initialization, resulting in Engine crash.
  • In the constructor of the WorldLogic/SystemLogic. For example:
    Source code (C++)
    class MyWorldLogic : public WorldLogic {
    	// export the class
    		virtual int init();
    		virtual int shutdown();
    int MyWorldLogic::init() {
    	Log::message("MyWorldLogic::init(): called\n");
    	return 1;
    int MyWorldLogic::shutdown() {
    	Log::message("MyWorldLogic::shutdown(): called\n");
    	return 1;
    If you call the registerClass() method in the init() function of the WorldLogic, the class won't be available in the world script init() function, as it is called before the WorldLogic initialization according to the execution sequence. The same is true for the SystemLogic.

Access from Scripts#

After the registration, the exported class can be used in UnigineScript just like any other classes.

Source code (UnigineScript)
// my_world.usc

void extern_object_info(MyExternObject object) {
	// call object methods to get its parameters
	vec3 size = object.getSize();
	float mass = object.getMass();
	log.message("size is: (%g,%g,%g), mass is: %g\n",size.x,size.y,size.z,mass);

int init() {

	/* ... code ... */
	// create an external object using a default constructor
	MyExternObject extern_object = new MyExternObject();
	// set parameters of the external object
	// delete the object
	delete extern_object;
	// create an object using another constructor
	extern_object = new MyExternObject(vec3(1.0f,2.0f,3.0f),10.0f);
	// set object parameters
	vec3 size = MyExternObjectGetSize(extern_object);
	log.message("size is: (%g,%g,%g)\n",size.x,size.y,size.z);
	// delete the object
	delete extern_object;
	// create an object using the external class function
	extern_object = MakeMyExternObject(vec3(4.0f,5.0f,6.0f),10.0f);
	// set object parameters.
	// delete the object using the external class function
	return 1;


The following results will be printed to the console:

MyExternObject::MyExternObject(): called
size is: (0,0,0), mass is: 0
MyExternObject::setSize((10,20,30)): called
size is: (10,20,30), mass is: 0
MyExternObject::~MyExternObject(): called

MyExternObject::MyExternObject((1,2,3),10): called
size is: (1,2,3), mass is: 10
MyExternObject::setSize((10,20,30)): called
size is: (10,20,30)
MyExternObject::~MyExternObject(): called

MyExternObject::MyExternObject((4,5,6),10): called
size is: (4,5,6), mass is: 10
MyExternObject::setMass(100): called
size is: (4,5,6), mass is: 100
MyExternObject::~MyExternObject(): called

Exporting a Singleton Class#

The general approach to C++ class exporting described above is common for all types of classes. However, exporting of singleton classes has several peculiarities.

A singleton class can be exported to the script:

  • As a library.
    Source code (C++)
    class Singleton
    	// get a singleton instance
    	static Singleton *get();
    	// export the class
    	static void registerClass();
    	// create and delete engine and GPU resources (if any)
    	int init();
    	int shutdown();
    	int destroyRenderResources();
    	// class methods
    	void setData(float data) {
    		Log::message("singleton.setData() called\n");
    	float getData() const {
    		Log::message("singleton.getData() called\n");
    		return 1.0f;
    	float data;
    	static Singleton *instance;
    	TexturePtr texture;
    // initialize a singleton instance
    Singleton *Singleton::instance = nullptr;
    // get a singleton instance
    Singleton *Singleton::get() {
    	if (instance == nullptr)
    		return new Singleton();
    	return instance;
    // export the singleton class as a library named "singleton"
    void Singleton::registerClass()
    	Singleton *instance = Singleton::get();
    	// add a library
    	// add methods to the library
    	Interpreter::addExternFunction("singleton.getData", MakeExternObjectFunction(instance, &Singleton::getData));
    	Interpreter::addExternFunction("singleton.setData", MakeExternObjectFunction(instance, &Singleton::setData));
    int Singleton::init() {
    	// initialize a Texture
    	return 1;
    int Singleton::shutdown() {
    	// delete a Texture
    	return 1;
    int Singleton::destroyRenderResources() {
    	// delete pointers to GPU resources
    	return 1;
  • As a class with the get() method that returns a singleton instance.
    Source code (C++)
    class Singleton
    	// get a singleton instance
    	static Singleton *get();
    	// export the class
    	static void registerClass();
    	// create and delete engine and GPU resources (if any)
    	int init();
    	int shutdown();
    	int destroyRenderResources();
    	// class methods
    	void setData(float data) {
    		Log::message("singleton.setData() called\n");
    	float getData() const {
    		Log::message("singleton.getData() called\n");
    		return 1.0f;
    	float data;
    	static Singleton *instance;
    	TexturePtr texture;
    // initialize a singleton instance
    Singleton *Singleton::instance = nullptr;
    // get a singleton instance
    Singleton *Singleton::get() {
    	if (instance == nullptr)
    		return new Singleton();
    	return instance;
    // export the singleton class as an external class with getter
    void Singleton::registerClass()
    	// create an external class	
    	ExternClass<Singleton> *singleton_bindings = MakeExternClass<Singleton>();
    	singleton_bindings->addFunction("setData", &Singleton::setData);
    	singleton_bindings->addFunction("getData", &Singleton::getData);
    	Interpreter::addExternClass("Singleton", singleton_bindings);
    	// add getter that returns a singleton instance
    	Interpreter::addExternFunction("get_singleton", MakeExternFunction(&Singleton::get));
    int Singleton::init() {
    	// initialize a Texture
    	return 1;
    int Singleton::shutdown() {
    	// delete a Texture
    	return 1;
    int Singleton::destroyRenderResources() {
    	// delete pointers to GPU resources
    	return 1;
Then you can export the class to the script in one of the ways described above. For example:
Source code (C++)
#ifdef _WIN32
	int wmain(int argc,wchar_t *argv[]) {
	int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
	// export the class
	AppSystemLogic system_logic;
	AppWorldLogic world_logic;
	AppEditorLogic editor_logic;
	Unigine::EnginePtr engine(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv);

	// Enter main loop.
	return 0;

Access from Script#

  • If the class has been exported as a library:
    Source code (UnigineScript)
    int init() {
    	float data = singleton.getData();
    	return 1;
  • If the class has been exported with getter that returns the singleton instance:
    Source code (UnigineScript)
    int init() {
    	Singleton singleton = get_singleton();
    	float data = singleton.getData();
    	return 1;

Exporting a Class with a Protected Constructor#

If necessary, you can make a protected constructor of a C++ class available from scripts. To export it, you need to declare Unigine::ExternClassConstructor<Class,List,Type> template as a class friend.

Up to 9 arguments are supported.
You can find the declaration of the template in the <UnigineSDK>/include/UnigineInterpreter.h header file.
Protected class members cannot be exported.
Source code (C++)
#include <UnigineEngine.h>
#include <UnigineInterpreter.h>

using namespace Unigine;

* User defined class

class MyClass {
		 // declare the template as the friend of the MyClass
		template <class,typename,typename> friend class Unigine::ExternClassConstructor;
		// define the first constructor (without arguments)
		MyClass() {
			Log::warning("MyClass::MyClass() is called\n");
		// define the second constructor with one argument
		MyClass(int v) {
			Log::warning("MyClass::MyClass(%d) is called\n",v);

* Main

int main(int argc,char **argv) {
	// export a class.
	ExternClass<MyClass> *my_object = MakeExternClass<MyClass>();
	// add a default constructor without arguments
	// add a constructor with one argument
	// register the exported class.
	// Initialize the engine.
	Engine *engine = Engine::init(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv);
	// Enter the main loop.
	// Shut down the engine.
	return 0;

You can also declare the corresponding template as the class friend for each of the protected constructors as follows:

Source code (C++)
class MyClass {
		// declare the templates as the friends of the MyClass
		// one to add the constructor without arguments
		friend class Unigine::ExternClassConstructor<MyClass,MakeTypeList<>::Type>;
		// and another to add the constructor with one argument
		friend class Unigine::ExternClassConstructor<MyClass,MakeTypeList<int>::Type>;
		// define the first constructor (without arguments)
		MyClass() {
			Log::warning("MyClass::MyClass() is called\n");
		// define the second constructor with one argument
		MyClass(int v) {
			Log::warning("MyClass::MyClass(%d) is called\n",v);

Access from Scripts#

After that, you can use the exported class in UnigineScript.

Source code (UnigineScript)
// my_world.usc

int init() {
	// create an instance of the exported class
	MyExternObject object_0 = new MyExternObject();
	MyExternObject object_1 = new MyExternObject(1);
	return 1;


MyClass::MyClass() is called
MyClass::MyClass(1) is called

Exporting Inherited Classes#

You can export C++ classes inherited from other C++ classes into UnigineScript and use them like other classes. Both base and derived classes are exported as it was described above. For each derived class you should add a base class using the Unigine::ExternClass<Class>::addBaseClass() function.

Source code (C++)
In this example we declare and export the following classes:
  • MyBase - a base class
  • MyNode - a class inherited from the MyBase class
  • MyObject - a class inherited from the MyNode class
Source code (C++)
#include <UnigineEngine.h>
#include <UnigineInterpreter.h>
#include <UnigineInterface.h>

#include "AppSystemLogic.h"
#include "AppWorldLogic.h"
#include "AppEditorLogic.h"

using namespace Unigine;

// User defined class

class MyBase
		Log::warning("MyBase::MyBase(): called\n");
	virtual ~MyBase()
		Log::warning("MyBase::~MyBase(): called\n");

	void function()
		Log::warning("MyBase::function(): called\n");

	virtual const char *getName() = 0;

	static void registerClasses();

class MyNode : public MyBase
		Log::warning("MyNode::MyNode(): called\n");
	virtual ~MyNode()
		Log::warning("MyNode::~MyNode(): called\n");

	void function()
		Log::warning("MyNode::function(): called\n");

	virtual const char *getName()
		return "MyNode";

	static void registerNode(ExternClass<MyBase> *my_base);

class MyObject : public MyNode
		Log::warning("MyObject::MyObject(): called\n");
	virtual ~MyObject()
		Log::warning("MyObject::~MyObject(): called\n");

	void function()
		Log::warning("MyObject::function(): called\n");

	virtual const char *getName()
		return "MyObject";

	static void registerObject(ExternClass<MyNode> *my_node);

void MyBase::registerClasses() {

	// make a base class
	ExternClass<MyBase> *my_base = MakeExternClass<MyBase>();

	// add functions
	my_base->addFunction("function", &MyBase::function);
	my_base->addFunction("getName", &MyBase::getName);

	// register the MyBase class.
	Interpreter::addExternClass("MyBase", my_base);


void MyNode::registerNode(ExternClass<MyBase> *my_base) {

	// make a class inherited from the MyBase
	ExternClass<MyNode> *my_node = MakeExternClass<MyNode>();

	// add a default constructor without arguments
	my_node->addFunction("function", &MyNode::function);

	// add base class for MyNode class

	// register the MyNode class.
	Interpreter::addExternClass("MyNode", my_node);


void MyObject::registerObject(ExternClass<MyNode> *my_node) {

	// Make a class inherited from the MyNode
	ExternClass<MyObject> *my_object = MakeExternClass<MyObject>();

	// add a default constructor without arguments

	// add a function
	my_object->addFunction("function", &MyObject::function);

	// add base class for MyObject class

	// register the MyObject class.
	Interpreter::addExternClass("MyObject", my_object);

#ifdef _WIN32
int wmain(int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
int main(int argc, char *argv[])


	// init engine
	Unigine::EnginePtr engine(UNIGINE_VERSION, argc, argv);

	// UnigineLogic
	AppSystemLogic system_logic;
	AppWorldLogic world_logic;
	AppEditorLogic editor_logic;

	// enter main loop
	engine->main(&system_logic, &world_logic, &editor_logic);

	return 0;

Access from Scripts#

After the registration, the exported classes can be used in UnigineScript just like any other classes.

Source code (UnigineScript)
// my_world.usc


int init() {


	// object class
	MyObject object = new MyObject();
	log.message("%s\n", object.getName());

	// node class
	MyNode node = object;
	log.message("%s\n", node.getName());

	// base class
	MyBase base = node;
	log.message("%s\n", base.getName());

	// delete object
	delete object;


	// show console



The following results will be printed to the console:

MyBase::MyBase(): called
MyNode::MyNode(): called
MyObject::MyObject(): called
MyObject::function(): called
MyNode::function(): called
MyBase::function(): called
MyObject::~MyObject(): called
MyNode::~MyNode(): called
MyBase::~MyBase(): called

Memory Management for External Classes#

By both creating and deleting variables that refer to the external classes, the corresponding scope should be set (world / system / editor). You should use pointers to the corresponding interpreter that are obtained via the following functions in order to set the required scope:

Also you can use pointer to the current interpreter obtained via the Unigine::Interpreter::get() function. If this function is called by the world interpreter, the current interpreter will be the world interpreter.

Source code (C++)
Interpreter *interpreter = Unigine::Interpreter::get();
If a C++ function is called from the script (world, system and editor), it means the current scope is already set and there is no need to call functions listed above.

If the corresponding scope is not set, memory leaks can occur when creating or deleting a variable.

For example, if you have a function defined on the script side and want to call it from the C++ code with a variable of the external class as an argument, you should set the script runtime:

Source code (C++)
#include <UnigineEngine.h>
#include <UnigineInterpreter.h>
#include <UnigineInterface.h>

#include <string>

using namespace Unigine;

class MyExternClass {


        MyExternClass() {}
        MyExternClass(const std::string &m) { my_member = m; }
        MyExternClass(const MyExternClass &other) { my_member = other.my_member; }
        ~MyExternClass() {}


        std::string my_member;


void my_update() {

    MyExternClass mec("hello!!!\n");
    Engine *engine = Engine::get();
	// get a pointer to the world interpreter 
	Interpreter *world = (Interpreter*)engine->getWorldInterpreter();
	// create a variable of the external class
	Unigine::Variable v(world,TypeInfo(TypeID<MyExternClass*>()),new MyExternClass(mec),1,1);
	// specify the name of the function to call
	Unigine::Variable name("onMyUpdate");
	// run the world script function with the variable of the MyExternClass as the argument

int main(int argc,char **argv) {

    ExternClass<MyExternClass> *mec = MakeExternClass<MyExternClass>();
    Engine *engine = Engine::init(UNIGINE_VERSION,argc,argv);
    while(engine->isDone() == 0) {

    return 0;
In the example above Variable v is a static variable, that is why when leaving the scope of its visibility, it is necessary to reset the context.
Source code (UnigineScript)
// the world script function which receives a variable referring to the external class
void onMyUpdate(MyExternClass v) {
	// some code

int init() {
	// some code
	return 1;

int shutdown() {
	// some code
	return 1;

int update() {
	// some code
	return 1;
Last update: 2021-04-09
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