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Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Settings and Preferences
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine and Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
CIGI Client Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
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Built-in Nodes Types

Unigine provides a set of built-in node types allowing you to create a world containing practically all of the objects present in real life. For convenience, they are formed into several groups that are responsible for different kinds of operations:

  • Nodes include fundamental objects that form the world (nodes and node references), dummy nodes, layers, pivots and triggers.
  • Objects represent imitations of entities present in the real world: objects, sky, terrains, water, etc.
  • Effects contain particles systems, physical fields, volumetric objects, etc.
  • Light sources include objects providing different kinds of the scene illumination: global, omni-directional, projected, etc.
  • Decals contains decals, a material projection on a surface (perfect for bloodstains, ashes, roads, etc).
  • Geodetics include objects providing geodesy math.
  • World Objects represent invisible nodes used for world management.
  • Sound Objects represent sound sources and reverberations.
  • Pathfinding Objects represent objects used for pathfinding.
  • Players represent different kinds of cameras.
Note that in terms of Unigine all of the objects, added into the scene (regardless of their extension), are displayed in the Nodes editor and called nodes.
Last update: 30.04.2019
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