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Setting Up Development Environment
High-Level Systems
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine and Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
Rendering-Related Classes
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UnigineEditor provides the core functionality for creation and editing of virtual worlds for UNIGINE-based applications. It allows you to easily view and modify virtual worlds by adding, transforming and editing the nodes.

Editor Running

Starting from UNIGINE 2.0 release, UnigineEditor is a standalone application.

To launch UnigineEditor:

  1. Run the editor executable file (for example, editor_x64.exe for 64-bit Windows) located in the bin folder of the SDK with specified command-line options.
    Command-line options can be the same as for the main application.

To launch the editor for your project:

  1. To launch the editor for your project, press the Edit Content button.

Menu Bar

A Menu bar provides access to general panels and commands that are used when working with the world through the editor. It has a batch of options that allows you to:

Camera Panel

A Camera Panelprovides main functions for cameras and allows you to:
  • Switch between cameras
  • Add new cameras to the current world
  • Open the Camera Settingswindow
  • Lock the current camera

Rendering Mode Panel

A Rendering mode panel allows you to quickly switch the following rendering options:
  • Render the final image, render the unlit image, render the image wireframe
  • Show content of depth, color and normal buffers
  • Specify camera effects
  • Enable rendering options
  • Enable rendering passes

Helpers Panel

A Helpers panel provides:
  • Quick access to frequently used helpers
  • Enabling visualization of nodes icons and gizmos
  • Enabling visualization of shapes, joints and contacts

Positioning Panel

A Positioning panel provides the main functions for nodes selection and positioning.

ViewCube Panel

A ViewCube panel provides the following functionality:
  • Displaying of the current camera position
  • Quick switch of camera positions based on axes

Navigation Panel

A Navigation panel allows you to quickly change the camera position and speed.



A Nodes window is a convenient tool for working with the hierarchy of nodes present in the scene. It allows you to:

  • Organize nodes into a hierarchy
  • Perform basic operations with the selected nodes (clone, remove, export, etc.)
  • Modify node's positioning parameters
  • Modify node's rendering parameters
  • Modify surfaces of the node
  • Enable node-specific options

A Materialswindow serves for to organizing and modifying UNIGINEmaterials. It allows you to:

  • Get instant access to built-in UNIGINE materials
  • Inherit base materials and modify them
  • Add preloaded materials libraries
  • Organize materials into a hierarchy
  • Perform basic operations with the selected materials (clone, remove, etc.)
  • Modify material's rendering parameters
  • Modify blending parameters
  • Load textures
  • Enable material-specific options
  • Assign materials to surfaces

A Propertieswindow is used to modify and organize nodes properties (sets of custom options). It allows you to:

  • Organize properties into a hierarchy
  • Perform basic operations with the selected properties (clone, remove, etc.)
  • Add preloaded properties libraries
  • Enable property-specific options

A Tracker is a keyframe-based tool for creating sequences animated over time, which allows you to add dynamic gameplay elements or making in-game cinematic cutscenes.


Camera viewports can be displayed in separate windows (up to 4 windows are available). Parameters of each viewport can be adjusted separately. The window includes the Camera panel that provides allows you to switch between cameras, add new cameras to the current world, open the Camera Settings window or lock the current camera, and the Resolution panel that enables to set a custom viewport resolution and take a screenshot.

Editor Plugins

Built-in set of editor plugins provides the following functionality:

Game Framework

A Game Frameworkis a high-level system for quick creation of various applications. It covers three fundamental concepts of the game: level, entity, and game. Features:

  • Automatic link between entity and node, level and world
  • Global Game context across all Levels
  • Events handling system
Import and export

Plugins used for import / export data to / from the engine:


Plugins used for optimization of content present in the scene:

  • Making environment look realistic with the Randomizer plugin
  • Rendering widgets into external windows with the Interface plugin

Tools and Settings

A batch of tools and settings are available via UnigineEditor windows:

Rendering Settings

The Rendering Settings panel provides the basic set of options for adjusting the world rendering parameters:

  • Rendering distances
  • Rendering budgets
  • Auxiliary rendering colors
  • Environment cube map
  • Post-process materials
  • Tessellation parameters
  • Global animation parameters
  • Ambient occlusion parameters
  • Light occlusion parameters
  • Light scattering parameters
  • DOF settings
  • Camera effects
Physics Settings

The Physics settings panel allows you to adjust global physics-related settings:

  • Fixed framerate
  • Velocities of the game time, sound play and physics simulation
  • Damping of linear and angular velocities
  • Number of physics iterations
  • Number of frozen frames
  • Linear and angular velocities
  • Frozen linear and angular velocities
  • Penetration parameters
  • Gravity parameters
Sound Settings

A Sound settings panel contains the basic set of sound options (volume, Doppler effect velocity, adaptation) and options for each sound source.


A Toolspanel contains miscellaneous settings and helpers tools allowing you to:

  • Enable / disable general editor and rendering options
  • Adjust settings of the embedded flash light
  • Grab the rendered image
  • Create a LUT texture
  • Adjust batch node processing options
Performance Profiler

A Performance profilerdisplays performance data in a timeline. It allows you to:

  • Detect the bottlenecks of your application
  • Check if code optimization is required
  • Check if art assets optimization is required
  • Compare the profiling results before and after the changes
Last update: 03.07.2017
Build: ()