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Unigine::WidgetDialogFile Class

Header:#include <UnigineWidgets.h>

This class creates dialog window where a file is selected. On the left side file-related information or an image preview is displayed.

WidgetDialogFile Class


static WidgetDialogFilePtr create(const Ptr<Gui> & gui, const char * str = 0)

Constructor. Creates a file picker dialog with given parameters.


  • const Ptr<Gui> & gui - GUI, to which the dialog will belong.
  • const char * str - Dialog title. This is an optional parameter.

Ptr<WidgetDialogFile> cast(const Ptr<WidgetDialog> & widgetdialog)


  • const Ptr<WidgetDialog> & widgetdialog

void setFile(const char * file)

Selects a given file in the file picker.


  • const char * file - Absolute or relative (to the data folder) path.

const char * getFile()

Returns the currently selected file.

Return value

Path to the file.

void setFilter(const char * filter)

Sets a file name filter, which is used to display files of required types only.


  • const char * filter - List of file extensions with leading dots and without additional separators, for example: .mesh.smesh.

const char * getFilter()

Returns the currently used file name filter.

Return value

List of file extensions with leading dots and without additional separators, for example: .mesh.smesh.

void setPath(const char * path)

Sets a path to the folder, contents of which should be displayed in the file picker.


  • const char * path - Absolute or relative (to the data folder) path.

const char * getPath()

Returns the current path to the folder, contents of which is displayed in the file picker.

Return value

Current path to the folder.

void setTabs(const char * tabs)

Adds a set of tabs to the file picker dialog. The tabs allow the user to interact with several folders at once.


  • const char * tabs - List of paths separated with semicolons. Each path corresponds to a tab.

const char * getTabs()

Returns a list of tabs in the file picker dialog. The tabs allow the user to interact several folders at once.

Return value

List of paths separated with semicolons. Each path corresponds to a tab.
Last update: 03.07.2017
Build: ()