A volume_light_base material is used to create visible spheres of light around Omni light sources. It is applied to the Volume Sphere objects.
The volume_light_base material can be assigned to a sphere only: the volume sphere cannot be of an ellipsoid shape. That is why the volume sphere with the volume_light_base material assigned is rendered based on the X axis Radius value. If its radii along Y or Z axes are smaller, the object is cut along them.
Volume Light Material on Volume Spheres
Material Settings, Parameters Tab
Base Parameters#
Density Parameters#
Specifies if the light density falls off to the edges of the volume sphere.
- By the value of 1, light is distributed evenly within the volume sphere.
- If a higher value is set, the light density is decreased at the edges of the volume sphere and increased in its center.
A coefficient to scale the density of the light. This value affects visibility of objects inside the light sphere.
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