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Projection light near clipping issue (stair shadow)


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I think there's a problem with near clipping of projected light in unigine.
Do you think it's working properly now? 

There is a difference between the original lighting and the copied lighting.
Please focus on the near clipping function.


And I'm sorry if I misinterpreted and acted. I need you to tell me how to solve this.

Edited by kiriwin
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Hello kiriwin,


Near Clipping seems to be working fine in basic case, could you please assemble a small test scene where the difference between the original lighting and the copied lighting could be seen clearly. Please note that in order to update static light after changing Near Clipping parameter, you need to bake it manually.


Regarding the issue with shadow acne, you can reduce it by adjusting Bias parameter in Shadows section. 

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Generally it is a good idea, to think of, how you wanna light your scene and whats the result you want to achieve.

Considering a realistic lit scene is one way to go, which is complex even in non realtime environments.

If you can have physically correct rendering that would be the way to go, but that requires a sophisticated render solution like raytracing, you would normally do that in a cct.

Realtime is more fun imo because you can be creative in achieving what you want. And you need to be creative.

Relying on mechanics and not be happy about the result because it is limited is one way of thinking. But thinking about the result and working with all the tools you have to get to that point is most fun and most creative and make sense in every tool.

Thinking simple and result orientated.

And don't forget, that even the best, most advanced tool doesn't deliver, if your content and concept is insufficient. :).

Also be patient and get into the tools, be creative and have fun!


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