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Infinite world intersection?


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I have situations where I want to compute world intersection infinitely above a body on Z axis.

C++ code:

Unigine::WorldIntersectionPtr intersection=Unigine::WorldIntersection::create();
Unigine::Math::dvec3 src=myBodyRigid->getPosition();
Unigine::Math::dvec3 dst=src;
//dst.z=INFINITY; Does not work!
Unigine::ObjectPtr intersectedObject=Unigine::World::get()->getIntersection(src, dst, 0xFF, intersection);
	Unigine::Log::message("found object!\n");
	Unigine::Log::message("no found object :(\n");

This code will find the object above myBodyRigid if dst.z is set to body's z+100000. But I do not like having that arbitrary magic number there, would prefer to look infinitely upwards. However, setting dst.z to INFINITY results in no object found.

Is there a way to do "infinite" world intersection check instead of simply using large numbers?

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No, you have to use large numbers. Performance-wise distance limiting also makes perfect sense in nearly all use-cases.

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