Unigine.PhysicalForce Class
Inherits from: | Physical |
This class is used to simulate a point force that pulls physical bodies up to or away from the point. It can also rotate them around the force center.
See also#
- An article on Physical Force
A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/physicals/ folder:
- force_00
- force_01
PhysicalForce Class
float Rotator#
The current rotation force that will be applied to objects in the physical force radius.
float Radius#
The current radius set for applying the physical force.
float Attractor#
The current attraction force applied to objects in the physical force radius. positive values pull objects away from the force point, negative values pull them up to it.
float Attenuation#
The current attenuation factor for the physical force.
PhysicalForce ( float radius ) #
Constructor. Creates a physical force node with the specified radius in units.Arguments
- float radius - The radius of the physical force node in units.
static int type ( ) #
Returns the type of the node.Return value
Physical type identifier.Last update:
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