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Flowmap Panner Node


This node creates a flow effect for a source texture based on a flow map. Using this node, water or lava flowing in different directons can be created. The flow map can be drawn in UNIGINE Editor: the direction of flowing is set by the brush.

When simulating a fast-flowing liquid (for example, a mountain stream), flickering may occur. In such case, it is recommended to use the Color Contrast Preserving (or Normal Contrast Preserving) outputs.

The workflow is the following:

  1. Using the flowmap texture, offset for UV coordinates is applied twice with a time shift.
  2. Using 2 different UVs from the previous stage, source texture sampling is pefromed. In the result, 2 textures distorted over time according to the flowmap are created.
  3. The created textures are blended (linear interpolation) using the time coefficient to make even and continuous distortion.


Name Description
Source TextureTexture for which the flow effect will be created (albedo, normal, heightmap and so on).
FlowMap Texture (0-1)Flowmap texture that stores values in range [0;1]. Note that:
  • It is recommended to use a 16-bit format. However, a 8-bit format can be used as well: simply choose the Normal preset when importing the texture.
  • Only the R and G texture channels are used as they store coordinates of the direction vector.
  • Mipmaps SRGB correction must be disabled on texture importing.

Source UVUV channel for the source texture.
Source TilingSource texture tiling.
FlowMap UVUV channel for the flowmap texture.
FlowMap TilingFlowmap texture tiling
Phase 2 UV OffsetOffset of the final UV coordinates for the second texture. Using this value you can reduce repeatability of the pattern (if any). The default value is (0.5, 0.5).
SpeedPanner speed.
StrengthIntesity of texture distortion.
Normal IntensityIntensity of normals (if a normal texture is passed as a source texture to the subgraph). Texture sampling is performed in the subgraph, however, the normal intensity is set up in the Sample Texture node, so it is specified separately.
Mip (For Contrast Preserving)Value that is applied if the Color Contrast Preserving or Normal Contrast Preserving (Tangent Space) subgraph output is used. The default value is 6.
ColorColor data of the texture resulting from blending textures.
Color Contrast PreservingColor data of the texture resulting from blending textures using Lerp Contrast Preserving (this approach uses 4 samples instead of 2).
Normal (Tangent Space)Normals of the texture resulting from blending normal textures.
Normal Contrast Preserving (Tangent Space)Normals of the texture resulting from blending normal textures using Lerp Contrast Preserving (this approach uses 4 samples instead of 2).
Phase 1 UVUV for the first texture distorted according to the flowmap texture. This output value is required for manual texture sampling (not by means of the subgraph) and must be used with the Phase 2 UV and Blend Coefficient outputs.
Phase 2 UVUV for the second texture distorted according to the flowmap texture. This output value is required for manual texture sampling (not by means of the subgraph) and must be used with the Phase 1 UV and Blend Coefficient outputs.
Blend CoefficientTime coefficient for blending textures. This output value is required for manual texture sampling (not by means of the subgraph) and must be used with the Phase 1 UV and Phase 2 UV outputs.
Last update: 2022-10-04
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