Editor API
UnigineEditor public API
▼CUnigineEditor::Action | This basic class is used to represent any possible user action |
CUnigineEditor::ChangeNodeFlagsAction | This class is used to represent any user's action changing node's flags |
CUnigineEditor::CreateNodesAction | This class is used to represent any user's action creating nodes |
CUnigineEditor::EnableNodeAction | This class is used to represent any user's action changing node's enabled state |
CUnigineEditor::RemoveNodesAction | This class is used to represent any user's action removing nodes |
CUnigineEditor::RenameNodeAction | This class is used to represent any user's action changing node's name |
CUnigineEditor::ReparentNodesAction | This class is used to represent any user's action changing nodes parents |
CUnigineEditor::SelectionAction | This class is used to represent any user's selection action |
CUnigineEditor::SetNodeTransformAction | This class is used to represent any user's action setting node transforms |
CUnigineEditor::AssetDialogs | This class is used to represent a standard asset dialog of the UnigineEditor that can be used for opening and saving assets |
CUnigineEditor::AssetManager | This class is used to manage assets in the Editor. You can check if an asset with the specified GUID exists, get its file path, or subscribe for signals to perform certain actions when an asset is added, moved, updated, or deleted. AssetManager extends the functionality of UNIGINE's File System, being based on it. It performs operations itself while controlling the File System. Paths and GUIDs used for Unigine::FileSystem can be used for UnigineEditor::AssetManager as well. All paths returned by the AssetManager (via getAssetPaths, getDirectoryPaths, etc.) are virtual |
CUnigineEditor::Collection | This class is used to represent a collection of values (boolean, integer, float, or string) that can represent a set of import parameters for an asset |
CUnigineEditor::LandscapeMapImportParameters | This class is used to manage import parameters for Landscape Layer Map assets(.lmap) |
CUnigineEditor::MountPointParameters | This class is used to manage parameters of mount points, such as access, path, filters. Mount points are used to extend the Engine's file system. Mount point is a sort of a symlink enabling you to extend the virtual file system of your project by adding any external folders and packages to the 'data' directory |
CUnigineEditor::ObjectMode | This class allows configuring the widget that controls objects selection and positioning in the scene |
CUnigineEditor::Plugin | This class is used for plugin interface implementation when creating Editor plugins. It is a base class for all Editor plugins |
CUnigineEditor::PluginDependency | Defines dependency on a plugin |
CUnigineEditor::PluginInfo | This class it is responsible for plugin loading/unloading and contains all necessary plugin metadata (name, version, dependencies, etc.). It can also be used to check the current plugin state and get information on errors (if any) |
CUnigineEditor::PluginManager | The UnigineEditor::PluginManager is the main controller class of the Plugin System, it is responsible for:
▼CUnigineEditor::RenderWindow | This class is used to represent a window widget to which an image can be rendered by the Engine. For example, to render node or texture previews, frame sequences, etc |
CUnigineEditor::EngineGuiWindow | This class is used to represent a window widget to which an image can be rendered by the Engine with inputs handling by the Engine GUI. For example, to create a curve or a node graph editor of your own. By default EngineGuiWindow creates a Shortcuts exclusive context to process mouse and keyboard events for this window exclusively, without sending them to the common Editor's Shortcuts handling system |
CUnigineEditor::WindowManager::RestoreState | Auxiliary information required to restore window state (insert it back to where it was taken from). See the take method |
CUnigineEditor::AssetDialogs::SelectedAsset | Structure representing an asset selected in the dialog |
CUnigineEditor::Selection | Selection class. This class is used to manage current selection (nodes, materials, properties, runtimes...) in the Editor |
▼CUnigineEditor::Selector | Selector class. This is a base class for all selector-classes used to manage current selection (nodes, materials, properties, runtimes...) in the Editor |
CUnigineEditor::SelectorGUIDs | Selector for GUIDs-based items (materials, properties, runtimes). An item of this type is associated with a file referred to via a GUID |
CUnigineEditor::SelectorNodes | This class is used to manage selected nodes along with their subobjects (such as surfaces, shapes, joints, billboards, etc.) |
CUnigineEditor::Shortcut | This class is used to manage shortcuts (hotkeys). The shortcut can be set up to contain all the key presses necessary to describe a keyboard and mouse input combination, including the states of modifier keys such as Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Cmd as well as mouse buttons |
CUnigineEditor::ShortcutContext | This class is used to manage a shortcut context (add, remove shortcuts, define interaction with other contexts) |
CUnigineEditor::ShortcutManager | This class is used to manage all shortcuts (hotkeys and combinations) and shortcut contexts that you usually see in Windows - Settings - Hotkeys |
▼CUnigineEditor::SelectorNodes::SubItemList | This class represents a list of selected subitems of a selected node. When an object is selected, some of its surfaces or collision shapes can also be selected, the subitems list shall contain all of them |
CUnigineEditor::IndexList | This class represents a list of indices of selected subitems of a selected node. When an object is selected, some of its surfaces or collision shapes can also be selected, the index list shall contain indices for all of them grouped by type |
CUnigineEditor::Undo | Undo manager class. This class is used to manage undo/redo operations for user actions in the Editor |
CUnigineEditor::ViewportManager | Viewport manager class. This class is used to create, manage, and remove all viewports in the Editor |
CUnigineEditor::ViewportWindow | This class is used to manage viewport windows in the Editor |
CUnigineEditor::WindowManager | Window manager class. This class is used to manage tool windows in the Editor |