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Unigine::JointSuspension Class

Header: #include <UniginePhysics.h>
Inherits from: Joint

This joint type is deprecated and will be removed in the upcoming releases. It is recommended to use the Wheel Joint instead.

This class is used to create a suspension joint. The bodies that represent both a frame and a wheel must be rigid bodies.


The following code illustrates connection of two rigid bodies (frame and wheel) using a suspension joint.

Source code (C++)
include <UniginePhysics.h>

/* .. */

JointSuspensionPtr joint = JointSuspension::create(frame, wheel);

// setting joint anchor coordinates
joint->setWorldAnchor(wheel->getObject()->getWorldTransform() * Vec3(0.0f));

// setting joint axes coordinates

// setting linear damping and spring rigidity

// setting lower and upper suspension ride limits [-0.5; 0.0]

// setting target suspension height 

// setting maximum angular velocity and torque

// setting common joint constraint parameters

// setting number of iterations

See Also#

  • A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/physics/ folder:

    • car_00
    • car_01
    • car_02

JointSuspension Class


float getCurrentLinearDistance() const#

Returns the current suspension compression.

Return value

Current suspension height, in units.

float getCurrentAngularVelocity() const#

Returns the current velocity of wheel rotation.

Return value

Current current velocity, in radians per second.

void setAngularVelocity ( float velocity ) #

Sets a new target velocity of wheel rotation.


  • float velocity - The target velocity in radians per second.

float getAngularVelocity() const#

Returns the current target velocity of wheel rotation.

Return value

Current target velocity in radians per second.

void setAngularTorque ( float torque ) #

Sets a new maximum torque of the attached angular motor. 0 means that the motor is not attached.


  • float torque - The maximum torque. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the motor.

float getAngularTorque() const#

Returns the current maximum torque of the attached angular motor. 0 means that the motor is not attached.

Return value

Current maximum torque. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the motor.

void setAngularDamping ( float damping ) #

Sets a new angular damping of the joint (wheel rotation damping).


  • float damping - The angular damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getAngularDamping() const#

Returns the current angular damping of the joint (wheel rotation damping).

Return value

Current angular damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

void setLinearSpring ( float spring ) #

Sets a new rigidity coefficient of the suspension. 0 means that the suspension is not attached.


  • float spring - The rigidity coefficient. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the suspension.

float getLinearSpring() const#

Returns the current rigidity coefficient of the suspension. 0 means that the suspension is not attached.

Return value

Current rigidity coefficient. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead. 0 detaches the suspension.

void setLinearLimitTo ( float to ) #

Sets a new high limit of the suspension ride. This limit specifies how far a connected body can move along the joint axis.


  • float to - The high limit in units.

float getLinearLimitTo() const#

Returns the current high limit of the suspension ride. This limit specifies how far a connected body can move along the joint axis.

Return value

Current high limit in units.

void setLinearLimitFrom ( float from ) #

Sets a new low limit of the suspension ride. This limit specifies how far a connected body can move along the joint axis.


  • float from - The low limit in units.

float getLinearLimitFrom() const#

Returns the current low limit of the suspension ride. This limit specifies how far a connected body can move along the joint axis.

Return value

Current low limit in units.

void setLinearDistance ( float distance ) #

Sets a new target height of the suspension.


  • float distance - The height, in units.

float getLinearDistance() const#

Returns the current target height of the suspension.

Return value

Current height, in units.

void setLinearDamping ( float damping ) #

Sets a new linear damping of the suspension.


  • float damping - The linear damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

float getLinearDamping() const#

Returns the current linear damping of the suspension.

Return value

Current linear damping. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.

void setWorldAxis0 ( const Math::vec3& axis0 ) #

Sets a new suspension axis in the world coordinates.


  • const Math::vec3& axis0 - The suspension axis in the world coordinates.

Math::vec3 getWorldAxis0() const#

Returns the current suspension axis in the world coordinates.

Return value

Current suspension axis in the world coordinates.

void setWorldAxis1 ( const Math::vec3& axis1 ) #

Sets a new wheel spindle axis in the world coordinates.


  • const Math::vec3& axis1 - The wheel spindle axis in the world coordinates.

Math::vec3 getWorldAxis1() const#

Returns the current wheel spindle axis in the world coordinates.

Return value

Current wheel spindle axis in the world coordinates.

void setAxis00 ( const Math::vec3& axis00 ) #

Sets a new coordinates of suspension axis, along which a wheel moves vertically. This is a shock absorber.


  • const Math::vec3& axis00 - The suspension axis, in the world coordinates.

Math::vec3 getAxis00() const#

Returns the current coordinates of suspension axis, along which a wheel moves vertically. This is a shock absorber.

Return value

Current suspension axis, in the world coordinates.

void setAxis10 ( const Math::vec3& axis10 ) #

Sets a new wheel spindle axis in coordinates of the frame (body 0): an axis around which a wheel rotates when moving forward (or backward).


  • const Math::vec3& axis10 - The wheel spindle axis in coordinates of the frame (body 0).

Math::vec3 getAxis10() const#

Returns the current wheel spindle axis in coordinates of the frame (body 0): an axis around which a wheel rotates when moving forward (or backward).

Return value

Current wheel spindle axis in coordinates of the frame (body 0).

void setAxis11 ( const Math::vec3& axis11 ) #

Sets a new wheel spindle axis in coordinates of the wheel (body 1): an axis around which a wheel rotates when steering.


  • const Math::vec3& axis11 - The wheel spindle axis in coordinates of the wheel (body 1).

Math::vec3 getAxis11() const#

Returns the current wheel spindle axis in coordinates of the wheel (body 1): an axis around which a wheel rotates when steering.

Return value

Current wheel spindle axis in coordinates of the wheel (body 1).

static JointSuspensionPtr create ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a suspension joint with an anchor at the origin of the world coordinates.

static JointSuspensionPtr create ( const Ptr<Body> & body0, const Ptr<Body> & body1 ) #

Constructor. Creates a suspension joint connecting two given bodies. An anchor is placed between centers of mass of the bodies.


  • const Ptr<Body> & body0 - Frame to be connected with the joint.
  • const Ptr<Body> & body1 - Wheel to be connected with the joint.

static JointSuspensionPtr create ( const Ptr<Body> & body0, const Ptr<Body> & body1, const Math::Vec3 & anchor, const Math::vec3 & axis0, const Math::vec3 & axis1 ) #

Constructor. Creates a suspension joint connecting two given bodies with specified suspension and spindle axis coordinates and an anchor placed at specified coordinates.


  • const Ptr<Body> & body0 - Frame to be connected with the joint.
  • const Ptr<Body> & body1 - Wheel to be connected with the joint.
  • const Math::Vec3 & anchor - Anchor coordinates.
  • const Math::vec3 & axis0 - Suspension axis coordinates.
  • const Math::vec3 & axis1 - Wheel spindle axis coordinates.
Last update: 2024-08-07
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