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Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Settings and Preferences
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine and Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
CIGI Client Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
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UNIGINE console is used for standard input, output and error streams for the file loading, rendering system, audio and video systems, path-finding system, physics engine, file system and many others.

Can be opened in any UNIGINE-based application.

How to Open Console

A built-in console is called by pressing the grave accent (`) key, placed under the ESC key:

The console can be hidden by pressing the grave accent (`) key one more time. See how to assign another key here.

Console Operation

Console operation can be either command or variable:

  • Command is a directive to a console to perform a specific task.
  • Variable is an identifier that contains some stored value.

Command Syntax

Console command can take null, one or several arguments. The syntax is:

Source code
command_to_execute // null argument
command_to_execute argument // one argument
command_to_execute argument argument // two arguments


  • To see the current variable value, other acceptable values and short description, just type it and press the Enter key. For example, if you type the video_resizable variable, you get the following result:
    Source code
    video resizable toggle
    0 is non-resizable mode
    1 is resizable mode
    video_resizable = 1
  • To complete a command or variable name, just start typing first letters and press the TAB key until you get the required result.

How to Change the Console Opening Key

If you want to change the default grave accent (`) console turning on or off key, do one of the following actions:

  • Open the configuration file data/unigine.cfg and change the ASCII-based key code in the following line:
    Source code (XML)
    <item name="console_key" type="int">96</item>


Basic operations on the console, command and variable.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Bind a key to a command.

    For example, to bind the asterisk (*) key to the world_reload command, type:

    Source code
    Unigine~# bind * world_reload
1. A key to bind
2. A command to execute
  • Command. Clear all messages from the console window.
  • Variable. Print the ASCII code of the current console turning on or off key.
  • Command. Assign a new key to turn on or off the console.
An ASCII code of the key
  • Command. Print the list of the built-in commands.
  • Command. Hide the console.
  • Command. Print a set of all available console keys, commands and variables.
  • Command. Show the console.
  • Command. Switch among all variable values.
    Make sure, that the variable is integer.
A variable, which values will be switched
  • Command. Enable or disable a variable.
    Enabled variable will have a default value.

    For example, if you toggle the show_visualizer variable, you will get the following result:

    Source code
    toggle show_visualizer
    show_visualizer = 0 // disabled visualizer
    toggle show_visualizer
    show_visualizer = 1 // enabled visualizer
A variable to be toggled
  • Command. Unbind a key from a command.
A key to unbind

Console GUI

Operations on the console GUI.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print a current size of the console font.
  • Command. Set a size for the console font.
(16 by default)
  • Variable. Print a current path to a *.ttf file used as a console font.
  • Command. Set a path to a *.ttf file to be used as a console font.
A path to a *.ttf file
(core/gui/console.ttf by default)


Basic operations on the engine.

Name Description Arguments
If these variables are enabled, multithreading is used.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Command. Prints the current engine version info.
quit Quit the engine.

Engine Configuration File

General operations on the engine configuration.

Name Description Arguments
config_load A path to the configuration file to be loaded
(data/unigine.cfg by default)
  • Variable. Print the value specifying if the data could be written to the configuration file.
  • Command. Specify if the data could be written to the configuration file.
0 - writing is allowed
1 - writing is forbidden
config_save A path to the configuration file (optional)

Engine Analyzer

Operations on the engine debugging.

Available only for debug builds.
Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Analyze the performance of the engine. Can be used only in the single-threaded mode. The information can be printed to the console or dumped into a specified file.
A path to the log file to dump the log file information into (optional)


Basic operations on world.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Load the specified world. A cache file can also be specified for faster application loading.
1. A name of the world to load (inside of the data directory)
2. A name of the world cache file (optional)
  • Command. Clear all the world data.
  • Command. Save the world.
    Materials won't be saved on running the command. To save them, use materials_save.
  • Command. Reload the world. A cache file can also be specified to be reloaded.
A name of the world cache file (optional)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating which world handler is used.
  • Command. Set the world handler.
0 - screen scale
1 - 3D

World State

Serialized operations on world.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Save states of all world nodes into the .save file and take a screenshot.
    File is saved as in the /bin/save directory by default. You can pass another directory as an argument.
1. A path to the file (optional)
2. A noscreenshot flag - save a state without taking a screenshot (optional)
  • Command. Restore states of all world nodes.
    File is restored using file in the /bin/save directory by default. You can pass another directory as an argument.
A path to the file (optional)

World Resources

Operations, representing information on ObjectGrass, ObjectMeshClutter andWorldClutter objects.

Name Description
  • Command. Print general information (the number of registered/loaded resources; used memory) on world manager resources, such as:
    1. ImageManaged - loaded images (if not fully loaded, a dummy texture or one-mipmap texture is used)
    2. PathManaged - loaded splines
    3. ImageStream - streamed mask images
    4. MeshStream - streamed meshes used as an intersection mask for grass or clutters
  • Command. Print the list of resources handled by the world manager (mask images for ObjectGrass and WorldClutter objects), if any.
  • Command. Print the list of generation requests for ObjectGrass and ObjectMeshClutter nodes with the following information:
    1. Node type
    2. Node ID
    3. Camera position coordinates
    4. Frame number
To get information on loaded meshes and images, see the Render resources section.

World Queueing

Operations on the world queued nodes.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print names of all the queued nodes, if any.
  • Variable. Print the current time delay between loading of the queued nodes in seconds.
  • Command. Set the time delay between loading of the queued nodes in seconds. For example, this function can be used to debug streaming of resources.
(0 by default)
  • Command. Clear the queue and all of the loaded nodes.


Operations on the sound.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if sound occlusion is enabled.
  • Command. Occlude sound if other nodes are found in front of the sound source.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the current sound reverberation mode.
  • Command. Set a sound reverberation mode.
0 - sound reverberation is disabled
1 - single-environment sound reverberation
2 - multi-environment sound reverberation (by default)

Sound Resources

Operations on the sound resources.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if sound samples are preloaded on world loading.
  • Command. Preload sound samples on world loading (ensure there are no lags afterwards but increases loading time and memory footprint).
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Command. Print general information on sound resources: the number of static and streamed sound sources (registered/loaded; memory used).
  • Command. Print the detailed list of sound files, if any, with used space.
  • Variable. Print the current cache memory limit for static sound resources in Mbytes.
  • Command. Set the cache memory limit for static sound resources in Mbytes.
(64 by default)
  • Variable. Print the current cache memory limit for streamed sound resources in Mbytes.
  • Command. Set the cache memory limit for streamed sound resources in Mbytes.
(16 by default)

Material Manager

Operations on materials.

Name Description Arguments
material_load Command. Loads the specified manual material. Path to the manual material file.
material_reload Command. Reloads the specified manual material. Path to the manual material file.
material_create_shaders Command. Creates all shaders for the specified manual material. Path to the manual material file.
material_manager_info Command. Prints information on all loaded materials (e.g. the number of loaded shaders; states, textures and parameters that don't exist in the parent material).
materials_reload Command. Reloads all loaded materials.
materials_save Command. Saves all loaded materials.
shaders_create Command. Creates all shaders for all loaded materials, updates the shaders cache if necessary, and loads shaders to RAM.
shaders_create_all Command. Creates possible shader combinations for the current configuration.
shaders_compile Command. Compiles shaders for all loaded materials.
shaders_destroy Command. Removes all shaders from RAM.
This command can be used to clear RAM after shader cache generation.


Operations for fast positioning of the game camera.

Name Description Arguments
camera_get Command. Get the current position of the game camera and its rotation (Euler angles).
camera_set Command. Set position and rotation (Euler angles) of the game camera.
Position and rotation of the game camera can be changed only if it is unlocked.
Source code
camera_set 20.0 19.0 3.0 0.0 45.0 90.0
The first 3 arguments set position.
The second 3 arguments set rotation (optional)

File System

Operations on the File system.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Remove all non-existent file system paths.
  • Variable. Print the list of ignored directories.
  • Command. Set the folders to be ignored within the data directory. It can be used to discard version control system folders. This option comes into effect only after the filesystem_reload command is run.
    Multiple values are comma separated (no whitespaces).
A full directory name
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if memory-mapped files are used.
  • Command. Use memory-mapped files for faster access.
0 - not used
1 - used (default)
  • Command. Reload the file system, thereby update the list of files.
  • Command. Saves all file system guids to the specified file path in JSON format, or binary format if the corresponding flag is set.
1. path to the file
2. binary flag - save guids to a file in binary format (optional)

File System Info

Operations, representing information on the File system.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print the list of all file system guids.
  • Command. Print general file system information (the total number of files and files per package).
  • Command. Print the list of all files.


Operations on UnigineEditor.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Load UnigineEditor (both Qt and Unigine-native GUI will be loaded).
  • Command. Quit UnigineEditor (both Qt and Unigine-native GUI will be hidden).
  • Command. Reload UnigineEditor (both Qt and Unigine-native GUI will be reloaded). This command reloads the editor script, all unsaved changes are lost.

Editor Controls

Operations on UnigineEditor controls.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Enable or disable default preset editing.
0 - disable editing (by default)
1 - enable editing


Operations on assets.

Name Description
  • Command. Print information on the number of non-native assets and runtime files generated for them.
  • Command. Print the list of all non-native assets and information on runtime files generated for them (file path, alias).


Operations on the world, system and editor scripts.

Editor Script Analyzer

Operations on the editor script debugging.

Available only for debug builds.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print memory usage by the editor script to the console or dump into a specified file.
A path to a file to dump the information into (optional)
  • Command. Analyze the performance of the editor script. Can be used only in the single-threaded mode. The information can be printed to the console or dumped into a specified file.
A path to the log file to dump the log file information into (optional)
  • Command. Disassemble the editor script. The information can be printed to the console or dumped into a specified file.
A path to a file to dump the information into (optional)

System Script Analyzer

Operations on the system script debugging.

Available only for debug builds.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print memory usage by the system script to the console or dump into a specified file.
A path to a file to dump the information into (optional)
  • Command. Analyze the performance of the system script. Can be used only in the single-threaded mode. The information can be printed to the console or dumped into a specified file.
A path to the log file to dump the log file information into (optional)
  • Command. Disassemble the system script. The information can be printed to the console or dumped into a specified file.
A path to a file to dump the information into (optional)

World Script Analyzer

Operations on the world script debugging.

Available only for debug builds.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print memory usage by the world script to the console or dump into a specified file.
A path to a file to dump the information into (optional)
  • Command. Analyze the performance of the world script. Can be used only in the single-threaded mode. The information can be printed to the console or dumped into a specified file.
A path to the log file to dump the log file information into (optional)
  • Command. Disassemble the world script. The information can be printed to the console or dumped into a specified file.
A path to a file to dump the information into (optional)
  • Variable. Print the cache memory limit set for images in MB.
  • Command. Set the cache memory limit for images in MB.
0 - 8192
(128 by default)
  • Variable. Print the cache memory limit set for meshes in MB.
  • Command. Set the cache memory limit for meshes in MB.
0 - 8192
(128 by default)

Script Debugger

Operations on the per-function breakpoint. The syntax to set the breakpoint is the following:

Source code
system_breakpoint/world_breakpoint/editor_breakpoint set/remove function_name number_of_arguments
Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Set a breakpoint to the specified function in the world script.
The syntax to set the breakpoint is the following:
Source code
world_breakpoint set/remove function_name number_of_arguments
1. Name of the function
2. The number of the arguments
  • Command. Set a breakpoint to the specified function in the system script.
The syntax to set the breakpoint is the following:
Source code
system_breakpoint set/remove function_name number_of_arguments
1. Name of the function
2. The number of the arguments
  • Command. Set a breakpoint to the specified function in the editor script.
The syntax to set the breakpoint is the following:
Source code
editor_breakpoint set/remove function_name number_of_arguments
1. Name of the function
2. The number of the arguments


Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the thread mode used to update the world.
  • Command. Specify if the world will be updated in a single or multiple-threaded mode.
0 - single-threaded
1 - multiple-threaded (by default)
Multiple-threaded mode creates 8 thread jobs and splits the nodes hierarchy: it finds root nodes (with their children) and distributes them in a balanced manner. Nodes are distributed between thread jobs, thread jobs are distributed between CPUs cores. Then, in each thread, it selects nodes to be updated. Thus, world update takes less time in case of complex nodes hierarchy.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating how many threads are used to perform physical calculations.
  • Command. Set a number of threads used to perform physical calculations.
0 - separate thread is not used at all (physics will be calculated in the main thread) - flush() and render() are called sequentially
1 - one separate thread is used (physics will be calculated in separate thread) - flush() and render() are called simultaneously
2 - all available CPUs are used to perform multi-threaded physical calculations (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating how many threads are used to perform pathfinding calculations.
  • Command. Set a number of threads used to perform pathfinding calculations.
0 - use single-threaded mode for pathfinding calculations
1 - use multi-threaded mode for pathfinding calculations (by default)

Asynchronous Operations

Asynchronous operations.

Name Description Arguments
Available for debug builds only, won't work for release builds.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating which engine component's operations are shown.
  • Command. Print the list of asynchronous operations (loading / unloading of images, meshes, files, etc.) related to the specified engine component.
    You can specify whether only loading and unloading operations, or all operations should be shown.
0 - do not print
1 - print operations with the nodes
2 - print operations with the renderer resources (loading / unloading of meshes and textures)
3 - print operations with the file system resources (loading / unloading of files)
4 - print all operations with the nodes, renderer and file systems resources
  • Variable. Print the value indicating whether only loading and unloading operations, or all operations are shown via async_log_mode .
  • Command. Specify whether only loading and unloading operations, or all operations will be shown via async_log_mode .
0 - print only frequently used operations
1 - print all operations
  • Command. Print the info on async queue resource count and memory usage.
  • Command. Print the list of async queue resources.
  • Command. Clear the async queue.


Operations on the visualizer.

To debug the world and objects within it, the show_visualizer command should be set to 1.
Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the current visualizer mode.
  • Command. Specify if the visualizer geometry (bounding volumes, wireframe, physics bodies and shapes, etc.) is shown.
0 - visualizer is not shown (by default)
1 - visualizer is shown with a depth testing (to check if other objects in the scene do not occlude visualized geometry)
2 - visualizer is shown without a depth testing (visualized geometry is rendered in front of all objects in the scene)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the FPS counter is hidden.
  • Command. Show or hide the FPS counter.
0 - hide the FPS counter
1 - display the FPS counter (by default)
2 - display the FPS counter and statistics on the last 600 frames: minimum FPS, maximum FPS and average FPS for the last 600 frames.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the system messages are displayed in the viewport.
  • Command. Hide the system messages.
0 - hidden
1 - displayed (by default)

World Debugging

Operations on the world debugging.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the scene spatial tree is displayed.
  • Command. Display the scene spatial tree.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed
  • Variable. Print the list of node types for which the visualizer is displayed.
  • Command. Set node types for which the visualizer is displayed.
The available arguments are:
  • all
  • world
  • field
  • light
  • decal
  • object
  • player
  • physical
  • navigation
  • obstacle
  • sound
To hide the visualizer, pass "" as a argument.
  • Variable. Print the current wireframe mode for scene triangles.
  • Command. Set the wireframe mode for scene triangles.
0 - triangles are hidden (by default)
1 - front faces with the depth test are shown
2 - front faces without the depth test are shown
3 - front and back faces without the depth test are shown

Node Debugging

Operations on the node debugging.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if nodes handlers for lights, particle systems, sectors, portals and so on are displayed.
  • Command. Display nodes handlers for lights, particle systems, sectors, portals, etc.
The available arguments are:
  • all
  • world
  • field
  • light
  • decal
  • object
  • player
  • physical
  • navigation
  • obstacle
  • sound
To hide all handlers, pass "" as an argument.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the wireframe for decals is displayed.
  • Command. Display the wireframe for decals.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed

Occluder Debugging

Operations on the occluder debugging.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if buffer used for occluders is displayed in the viewport.
  • Command. Display buffer used for occluders displayed in the viewport.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed

Physics Debugging

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if collision surfaces are displayed.
  • Command. Display/hide collision surfaces.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if contact points between physical bodies are displayed.
  • Command. Display/hide contact points between physical bodies.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if joints between physical bodies are displayed.
  • Command. Display/hide joints between physical bodies.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if collision shapes for physical bodies are displayed.
  • Command. Display/hide collision shapes for physical bodies.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed

Texture Debugging

Operations on the texture debugging.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if mipmap levels are displayed in color.
  • Command. Display mipmap levels in color.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed in color

Occlusion Queries

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if occlusion query boxes are displayed.
  • Command. Display occlusion query boxes.
    Make sure that the Culled by occlusion query flag is set for nodes.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed

Performance Profiling

Operations on the Performance profiler.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print a mode set to Performance profiler.
  • Command. Specify a mode for Performance profiler.
0 - profiler information is hidden (by default)
1 - generic profiler information is shown
2 - rendering profiler information is shown
3 - physics profiler information is shown
4 - world profiler information is shown
5 - pathfinding and sound usage profiler information is shown

Profiler GUI

Operations on the Performance profiler style.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print a current size of the profiler font.
  • Command. Set a size for the profiler font.
(13 by default)
  • Variable. Print a current path to a *.ttf file used as a profiler font.
  • Command. Set a path to a *.ttf file to be used as a profiler font.
A path to a *.ttf file
(core/gui/font.ttf by default)


Operations on the Microprofile.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print the Microprofile settings: maximum number of frames that can be profiled, number of dump frames, flag indicating if GPU profiling is enabled, Web server status, Web server port, number of webserver frames. If the application is compiled without Microprofile, the corresponding message will printed to the console.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if GPU profiling is enabled.
  • Command. Set the value indicating if GPU profiling is enabled.
0 – GPU profiling is disabled
1 - GPU profiling is enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the number of frames that will be visualised in your Web browser.
  • Command. Set the number of frames that will be visualised in your Web browser.
  • Variable. Print the number of frames that will be included in the Microprofile dump (saved to the .csv or .html file).
  • Command. Set the number of frames that will be included in the Microprofile dump (saved to the .csv or .html file).
  • Command. Save the Microprofile dump to a .csv file.
A path to a .csv file. If the path doesn't specified, the dump is saved to data/microprofile_dump_csv folder.
  • Command. Save the Microprofile dump to an .html file.
A path to an .html file. If the path doesn't specified, the dump is saved to data/microprofile_dump_html folder.

Video Settings

To come to effect, the commands below require video_restart to be run after them.

Name Description
  • Command. Restart the video application to apply changes to video settings, if any.

Resolution and Full Screen

Operations on the video resolution adjustment.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the current video resolution mode.
  • Command. Set a new video resolution mode.
-1 - video_width × video_height
0 - 640 × 360
1 - 960 × 540
2 - 1024 × 576
3 - 1280 × 720
4 - 1366 × 768
5 - 1600 × 900
6 - 1920 × 1080
7 - 2560 × 1440
8 - 3840 × 2160
9 - 640 × 400
10 - 960 × 600
11 - 1024 × 640
12 - 1280 × 800
13 - 1440 × 900
14 - 1680 × 1050
15 - 1920 × 1200
16 - 2560 × 1600
17 - 640 × 480
18 - 800 × 600
19 - 1024 × 768
20 - 1280 × 960
21 - 1280 × 1024
22 - 1600 × 1200
23 - 2048 × 1536
24 - 2560 × 2048
  • Variable. Print the current screen width.
  • Command. Set the custom screen width.
Valid only if the video_mode command is set to -1.
  • Variable. Print the current screen height.
  • Command. Set the custom screen height.
Valid only if the video_mode command is set to -1.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the application window is resizable.
  • Command. Set a resizable mode for an application window (its size can be changed on the fly without restarting the application).
0 - non-resizable mode (by default)
1 - resizable mode
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the application is running in full-screen mode.
  • Command. Set full-screen mode for the application window.
0 - windowed mode (by default)
1 - full-screen mode
2 - full-window mode when an application window is rendered without decorations

Graphics Settings

Operations on the graphics adjustment.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the vertical FPS synchronization is enabled.
  • Command. Set the vertical FPS synchronization.
0 - not to synchronize FPS (by default)
1 - synchronize FPS
2 - enable adaptive vertical sync
  • Variable. Print the current graphics refresh rate.
  • Command. Set the graphics refresh rate.
0 (by default) – 200
  • Variable. Print the current gamma correction value.
  • Command. Set the gamma correction value.
(1.0 by default)

Multi-Monitor and Stereo Rendering

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print a value indicating whether rendering across 3 monitors is enabled or not.
  • Command. Enable or disable rendering of the application across 3 monitors.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the size of monitor bezel compensation in pixels.
  • Command. Set the size of monitor bezel compensation in pixels. It is used together with video_surround enabled.
  • Variable. Print a value indicating if quad buffering is enabled.
  • Command. Enable quad buffered stereo.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled

Rendering Settings

Operations on the renderer.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Reload the renderer. This command reloads all shaders (but does not update shader variables - it is done automatically). It can also be called, for example, for graphics API changes to come to effect.
  • Command. Reload all render textures.
  • Command. Reload all render manager resources. You can specify an optional argument to reload resources selectively.
  • mesh - reload only meshes
  • texture - reload only textures

Rendering Resources

Operations, representing information on the rendering resources.

Name Description
  • Command. Print current render budget value, which limits the number of loaded/created graphics resources during a frame according to loading/creation time. Budget value is measured seconds. The default value is 1/60.
  • Command. Print general information (the number of registered/loaded resources; memory used) on renderer manager resources:
    1. Mesh - loaded meshes
    2. MeshSkinned - skinned meshes
    3. MeshDynamic - dynamic meshes stored in the memory rather than on disk
    4. TextureManaged - images loaded into the memory; if image is not fully loaded, a dummy texture or a mipmap texture is used
    5. TextureStream - streamed images
  • Command. Print the list of loaded resources and detailed information regarding:
    1. Meshes, MeshSkinned and MeshDynamic with used memory
    2. TextureManaged (textures loaded into memory at once) and TextureStream (textures streamed on demand) with texture format, used compression, if any, texture dimensions and size (available only for already loaded textures).

Rendering Buffers

Rendering Buffer Info

Operations, representing information on the rendering buffers.

Name Description
  • Command. Print general information on render buffers:
    1. Renderer - GPU and available video memory
    2. Per-type information on buffers created by the renderer, their number and used space
    3. Total - how much video memory is used in whole
  • Command. Print the detailed list of render buffers, with texture size, format and used space.

Rendering Buffer Debugging

Operations on the rendering buffer debugging.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the current set of buffers used by the renderer.
  • Command. Specify a mode of textures buffers used by the renderer (how many buffers are shown depends on the number of buffers in a row specified by the render_show_textures_number ) command.
0 - all buffers are hidden (by default)
1 - show render textures (compact).
2 - show render textures (full).
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if RGBA16F texture format is used for screen HDR buffers.
  • Command. Set a value indicating if RGBA16F texture format is used for screen HDR buffers.
0 - use RG11B10F texture format
1 - use RGBA16F texture format (by default).
  • Variable. Print the current number of buffers in a row to be output to the screen.
  • Command. Set the number of buffers in a row to be output to the screen.
A number of buffers in a row (from 1 to 8)
(4 by default).
1 - a single texture per screen
2 - 4 textures per screen
3 - 9 textures per screen
4 - 16 textures per screen
  • Variable. Print the number of the buffer to start displaying from in the full view mode.
  • Command. Set the number of the buffer to start displaying from in the full view mode.

Rendering Passes

Operations on rendering passes.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the list of materials to be used at the Deferred Composite stage of rendering sequence as a string constant.
  • Command. Update the list of materials to be used at the Deferred Composite stage of rendering sequence.
"mat_1, mat_2, ... mat_n" - the list of composite deferred materials
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the rendering of debug materials is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the rendering of debug materials (the debug_materials material). Debug materials can be used for debugging of image generation stages.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the list of debug materials to be rendered as a string constant.
  • Command. Update the list of debug materials to be rendered. Rendering of debug materials must be enabled.
"mat_1, mat_2, ... mat_n" - the list of debug materials
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if scissor rectangles are shown.
  • Command. Enable scissor rectangles.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - shown
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the ambient pass buffer is displayed
  • Command. Enable displaying of the ambient pass buffer.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the visualizer is displayed for objects using alpha test.
  • Command. Display the visualizer for objects that are using alpha test.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the visualizer is displayed for transparent objects.
  • Command. Display the visualizer for transparent objects.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if rendering of clouds is skipped.
  • Command. Skip rendering of clouds.
0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if rendering of lights is skipped.
  • Command. Skip rendering of lights.
0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if rendering of water is skipped.
  • Command. Skip rendering of water.
0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped
render_skip_post_materials 0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped
render_skip_render_materials 0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the transparent pass is skipped.
  • Command. Skip the transparent pass.
This console command takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.
0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the ambient rendering pass is skipped for transparent objects rendering.
  • Command. Skip the ambient rendering pass for transparent objects rendering.
This console command takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.
0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the rendering pass for world lights is skipped for transparent objects rendering.
  • Command. Skip the world lights' rendering pass for transparent objects rendering.
This console command takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.
0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the deferred pass for transparent objects is skipped.
  • Command. Skips the deferred pass for transparent objects.
This console command takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.
0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the multiple environment probes mode for transparent objects is disabled.
  • Command. Disables the multiple environment probes mode for transparent objects.
This console command takes effect only when the forward rendering pass is used for transparent objects rendering.
0 - enabled (by default)
1 - skipped


Operations on the mesh rendering.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if alpha fading (dithering) is enabled for objects.
  • Command. Use alpha fading (dithering) for objects.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the visualizer for dynamic objects is displayed.
  • Command. Display the visualizer for dynamic objects.
0 - hidden (by default)
1 - displayed

Mesh Loading

Operations on the mesh loading.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the current loading mode for the dummy meshes.
  • Command. Preload dummy meshes (without any vertex data, only surfaces) on the world start-up. Meshes with full geometry data are loaded on demand, when they get into the view frustum. This option increases the world loading time, but safeguards against any lags on resource loading in run-time.
    This command doesn't force loading of meshes of ObjectMeshStatic, ObjectMeshClutter and ObjectMeshCluster.
0 - dummy meshes are loaded only when they get into a view frustum
1 - dummy meshes are preloaded on the start-up (by default)
  • Variable. Print the current loading mode for all meshes.
  • Command. Load all meshes on the start-up. This option insures against any lags on mesh loading at run-time, but increases world loading time.
    This command doesn't force loading of meshes of ObjectMeshStatic, ObjectMeshClutter and ObjectMeshCluster.
0 - meshes are loaded only when they get into a view frustum (by default)
1 - meshes are preloaded on the start-up
  • Variable. Print the current cache memory limits for meshes, in percentage of the total GPU memory.
  • Command. Set the cache memory limits for meshes, in percentage of the total GPU memory.
0 - 100
(15 by default)
  • Variable. Print the current resource check interval, in number of frames.
  • Command. Set the resource check interval, in number of frames.
0 - 300
(300 by default)
  • Variable. Print the current resource update interval, in number of frames.
  • Command. Set the resource update interval, in number of frames.
0 - 300
(30 by default)


Operations on the mesh rendering.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if decals should be rendered.
  • Command. Render decals.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)


Operations on the field rendering.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the current resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldHeight objects are rendered.
  • Command. Set resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldHeight objects are rendered.
0 - 128×128
1 - 256×256
2 - 512×512 (by default)
3 - 1024×1024
4 - 2048×2048
5 - 4096×4096
6 - 8192×8192
  • Variable. Print the precision of textures used for field objects
  • Command. Set the precision of textures used for field objects.
0 - 16-bit precision R16 texture (by default)
1 - 32-bit precision R32F texture
  • Variable. Print the current resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldShoreline objects are rendered.
  • Command. Set resolution of the texture into which all textures set for all FieldShoreline objects are rendered.
0 - 128×128
1 - 256×256
2 - 512×512 (by default)
3 - 1024×1024
4 - 2048×2048
5 - 4096×4096
6 - 8192×8192


Operations on the texture rendering.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the current texture resolution.
  • Command. Set the texture resolution.
0 - low resolution
1 - medium resolution
2 - high resolution (by default)
  • Variable. Print the current maximum texture resolution.
  • Command. Set maximum resolution of all textures. The engine doesn't compress existing textures: it uses specified mipmaps of *.dds textures.
0 - is 128x128
1 - is 256x256
2 - is 512x512
3 - is 1024x1024
4 - is 2048x2048
5 - is 4096x4096
6 - is 8192x8192 (by default)
7 - is 16384x16384
-5 - is 1x1
  • Variable. Print the current minimum texture resolution.
  • Command. Set minimum resolution of all textures. The engine doesn't compress existing textures: it uses specified mipmaps of *.dds textures.
0 - is 128x128 (by default)
1 - is 256x256
2 - is 512x512
3 - is 1024x1024
4 - is 2048x2048
5 - is 4096x4096
6 - is 8192x8192
7 - is 16384x16384
-5 - is 1x1
  • Variable. Print the current texture filtering mode.
  • Command. Set the texture filtering mode.
0 - bilinear filtering
1 - trilinear filtering (by default)
  • Variable. Print the current texture anisotropy level.
  • Command. Set the texture anisotropy level.
0 - level 1
1 - level 2
2 - level 4
3 - level 8 (by default)
4 - level 16

Texture Loading

Operations on the texture loading.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the current loading mode for all textures.
  • Command. Load all textures on the start-up. This option insures against any lags on textures loading at run-time, but increases world loading time.
0 - textures are loaded only when they get into a viewing frustum (by default)
1 - textures are preloaded on the start-up
  • Variable. Print the current cache memory limits for textures, in percents of the total GPU memory.
  • Command. Set the cache memory limits for textures, in percents of the total GPU memory.
0 - 100
(65 by default)
  • Command. Reload all render manager's textures.
  • Variable. Print the current maximum texture chunk size for uploading to GPU, in bytes.
  • Command. Set the current maximum texture chunk size for uploading to GPU, in bytes.
0 - 134217728
(128 by default)
  • Variable. Print the current percentage of the frame, that can be used for uploading textures to GPU.
  • Command. Set the current percentage of the frame, that can be used for uploading textures to GPU.
0 - 100
(10 by default)


Operations on shaders.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print the macros list related to the renderer (defines to make corresponding resources available in shaders).

Shader Loading

Operations on the shader loading.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if shaders are compiled on the start-up.
  • Command. Compile all shaders that are used in the loaded world on start-up.
This command compiles and loads all shaders to RAM every time the world is loaded, which results in significant memory consumption. It is recommended to use pre-generated shaders cache instead when possible (see the shaders_create command). In this case necessary shaders are loaded from cache to RAM on demand.
0 - non-compiled (by default)
1 - compiled

Effects and Postprocesses

Operations on the effects and postprocesses.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value of a global scale for rotation angle of vegetation leaves.
  • Command. Sets the global scale for rotation angle of vegetation leaves.
  • Variable. Sets the value of a global scale for rotation speed of vegetation leaves.
  • Command. Sets the global scale for rotation speed of vegetation leaves.
  • Variable. Print the global scale for movement amplitude of vegetation stems.
  • Command. Set the global scale for movement amplitude of vegetation stems.
  • Variable. Print the offset for vegetation under wind by X, Y and Z axes.
  • Command. Sets the direction of wind for all vegetation (grass and trees). It is a multiplier for the stem offset (in grass, stem and leaves materials).
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the auxiliary render buffer is enabled.
  • Command. Enable auxiliary render buffer (should be enabled for render and post post-processes to work)
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the ray-traced bent normals calculation is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the ray-traced bent normals calculation. The use of bent normals allows for smooth ambient lighting.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the ray-traced bent normals calculation is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the ray-traced bent normals calculation. This option reduces noise by using the blur effect.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value of the threshold for the ray-traced bent normals calculation.
  • Command. Set the threshold value for the ray-traced bent normals calculation.
1.0f - by default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the bloom effect is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the bloom effect.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the current number of passes for the bloom effect.
  • Command. Set the number of passes for the bloom effect. During each pass a bloom texture is generated. Up to 8 bloom textures can be generated: each texture has lower resolution (original size, original size /2, original size /4, so forth) with bloom effect. After that, all these bloom textures with the different resolution are composed for the final bloom texture..
[2; 8] - available range
6 - default
  • Variable. Print the value of the power of the bloom effect.
  • Command. Set the power of the bloom effect.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available range
0.7f - default
  • Variable. Print the value of the bloom scale.
  • Command. Set the value of the bloom scale.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available range
0.3f - default
  • Variable. Print the width of the image border (in pixels), to be rendered outside the bounds of the screen to reduce artefacts of post effects.
  • Command. Set the width of the image border (in pixels), to be rendered outside the bounds of the screen to reduce artefacts of post effects.
Increasing the width of the border may increase performance costs.
  • Variable. Print the brightness threshold, which is used to detect if an object should be blurred in the HDR mode.
  • Command. Set the threshold, which is used to detect if an object should be blurred in the HDR mode.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available range
render_camera_effects_temporal_filtering 0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the scale of lens dirt effect modulating the pattern of lens flares.
  • Command. Set the scale of lens dirt effect modulating the pattern of lens flares. For example, it can be used to create an effect of unclean optics when the camera looks at the sun.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the Gaussian blur depth of field effect is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the Gaussian blur depth of field effect.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the intensity of blur for DoF (Depth Of Field) effect.
  • Command. Set the intensity of blur for DoF (Depth Of Field) effect.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available values
  • Variable. Print the intensity of chromatic aberration effect for DoF (Depth Of Field).
  • Command. Set the intensity of chromatic aberration effect for DoF (Depth Of Field).
  • Variable. Print the far DoF limit of the camera.
  • Command. Set the far DoF limit of the camera. The distance between the camera and the furthest element that is considered to be acceptably sharp.
  • Variable. Print the near DoF limit of the camera.
  • Command. Set the near DoF limit of the camera. The distance between the camera and the nearest element that is considered to be acceptably sharp.
  • Variable. Print the value of the camera focal distance.
  • Command. Set the focal distance of the camera, i.e. a point where objects are in-focus and clear.
  • Variable. Print the far focal offset for DoF (Depth Of Field) effect.
  • Command. Set the far focal offset for DoF (Depth Of Field) effect. The offset from the focal point to the furthest blurred zone.
  • Variable. Print the near focal offset for DoF (Depth Of Field) effect.
  • Command. Set the near focal offset for DoF (Depth Of Field) effect. The offset from the focal point to the nearest blurred zone.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the resolution of DOF.
  • Command. Set the DOF rendering resolution.
0 - quarter resolution
1 - half resolution
2 - full resolution (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the quality of DOF.
  • Command. Set the DOF rendering quality.
0 - low
1 - medium (by default)
2 - high
2 - ultra
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the mode of Bokeh DOF effect.
  • Command. Set the DOF Bokeh effect mode.
0 - ring (by default)
1 - circle
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the DOF increased accuracy is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable the DOF increased accuracy. Enabling the parameter allows for increasing accuracy of focusing calculation.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if focus improvement is enabled for the DOF effect.
  • Command. Enable or disable focus improvement for the DOF effect. When enabled, transitions between the focused and unfocused parts of the scene become more accurate.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the mode of the adaptive exposure effect.
  • Command. Set the mode of the adaptive exposure effect.
0 - disabled
1 - logarithmic adaptive exposure
2 - quadratic adaptive exposure
  • Variable. Print the camera exposure value.
  • Command. Set the camera exposure value.
    Available only when render_camera_mode = 0.
[0.0f; 4.0f] - available values
  • Variable. Print the value of the period of exposure adaptation.
  • Command. Set the value of the period of exposure adaptation.
  • Variable. Print the current ISO value set for the physically-based camera.
  • Command. Set the ISO for the physically-based camera.
100 by default
  • Variable. Print the shutter speed set for the physically-based camera.
  • Command. Set the shutter speed set for the physically-based camera.
250 by default
  • Variable. Print the F-stop value set for the physically-based camera.
  • Command. Set the F-stop value set for the physically-based camera.
11 by default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating which camera mode is set.
  • Command. Set the camera mode:
    • If the classic camera is used, the static exposure is set directly.
    • If the physically-based camera is use, the static exposure calculation is based on physical parameters of the camera (ISO, shutter speed and f-stop).
0 - classic camera
1 - physically-based camera
  • Variable. Print the number of samples per pixel used for supersampling.
  • Command. Set the number of samples per pixel used for supersampling.
[1e-6f; 8.0f] - available range
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if rendering of occluders is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable rendering of occluders.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the current resolution of the texture, to which occluders are rendered.
  • Command. Set the resolution of the texture, to which occluders are rendered.
From 1x1
To 1024x1024
Default: 128x64
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if rendering of occluders for shadows is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable rendering of occluders for shadows.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the current resolution of the texture, to which occluders for shadows are rendered.
  • Command. Set the resolution of the texture, to which occluders for shadows are rendered.
From 1x1
To 1024x1024
Default: 512x512
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if SSGI effect is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable the SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) effect.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSGI radius.
  • Command. Set the radius of the SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination).
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available values
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSGI intensity.
  • Command. Set the intensity of the SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) for the scene.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available values
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSGI normal threshold.
  • Command. Set the normal threshold of the SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination).
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available values
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the SSGI effect resolution.
  • Command. Set the resolution of SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination).
0 - quarter resolution
1 - half resolution (by default)
2 - full resolution
  • Variable. Print the value of the resolution of the color buffer used for SSGI.
  • Command. Set the resolution of the color buffer used for SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) calculation. This option significantly affects performance.
0 - quarter resolution
1 - half resolution (by default)
2 - full resolution
  • Variable. Print the SSGI effect quality.
  • Command. Sets the quality of the SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) (the number of the used samples).
0 - low (4 samples)
1 - medium (8 samples) (by default)
2 - high (16 samples)
3 - ultra (32 samples)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the ray tracing is used for SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) calculation.
  • Command. Enable the ray tracing for SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) calculation. When enabled, SSGI recreates light reflections from the object’s surface. Ray-traced SSGI calculation is available only when the SSRTGI technique is enabled.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the noise reduction for the ray-traced SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the noise reduction for the ray-traced SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination). This option reduces noise by using blur effect. Ray-traced SSGI calculation is available only when the SSRTGI technique is enabled.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the current threshold value for the ray-traced SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination).
  • Command. Set the threshold value for the ray-traced SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination). Ray-traced SSGI calculation is available only when the SSRTGI technique is enabled.
1.0f - by default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the FXAA is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable the FXAA.
  • Variable. Print the value of the FXAA intensity.
  • Command. Set the intensity of the FXAA. Intensity specifies the sample offset of FXAA fragment.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the TAA is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable the TAA.
  • Variable. Print the frame count of TAA.
  • Command. Set the frame count of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing). It specifies the number of frame for velocity buffer.
30.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the Catmull-Rom resampling is enabled.
  • Command. Toggles the Catmull-Rom resampling on and off. It allows you to reduce image blurring when the camera moves forward/backward. It is recommended to disable resampling at low settings.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if TAA color clamping is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable TAA color clamping (when TAA is enabled). This command clamps the color of the current and previous frame. The image becomes more sharp.
0 - disabled TAA color clamping
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if diagonal neighboring pixels are to be taken into account in the process of color clamping.
  • Command. Set the value indicating if diagonal neighboring pixels in the process of color clamping.
0 - ignore diagonal neighboring pixels (by default)
1 - consider diagonal neighboring pixels
  • Variable. Print the value of the detail level of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing).
  • Command. Set the value for the detail level of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing). The higher the value - the more detailed is the image. Can produce additional flickering.
[0.0f; 1.5f] - available range
1.5f - default
  • Variable. Print the size of the sample offset performed during sub pixel jittering.
  • Command. Set the size of the sample offset performed during sub pixel jittering. By default, samples shift to one pixel during sub pixel jittering: you can lower this offset.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available range
1.0f - samples shift to one pixel (by default)
  • Variable. Print the number of the sample offsets performed during sub pixel jittering.
  • Command. Set the number of the sample offsets performed during sub pixel jittering. By the minimum value of 1, there will be no offsets, and, therefore, no anti-aliasing.
0 - 1 sample offset, no anti-aliasing
1 - 4 offsets
2 - 8 offsets
3 - 16 offsets
  • Variable. Print the maximum frame count of TAA.
  • Command. Sets the maximum frame count of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing). Specifies the maximum number of frames for velocity buffer.
60.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the minimum frame count of TAA.
  • Command. Sets the minimum frame count of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing). Specifies the minimum number of frames for velocity buffer.
4.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if TAA velocity clamping is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable TAA velocity clamping (when TAA is enabled). This command controls the number of frames for velocity buffer. That reduces the blurring in dynamic scenes with a lot of moving objects.
0 - disabled TAA velocity clamping
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value of the TAA velocity threshold.
  • Command. Sets the velocity threshold of TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing). This value specifies the intensity of velocity clamping.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available range
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the bright pixels flicker fix is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable the bright pixels flicker fix (when TAA is enabled).
Enabling fix flicker may increase performance costs.
0 - disabled fix flicker
1 - enable (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the filmic high-dynamic range color correction rendering is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the filmic high-dynamic range color correction rendering.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the linear angle filmic tonemapping parameter value.
  • Command. Set the linear angle filmic tonemapping parameter value.
  • Variable. Print the toe scale filmic tonemapping parameter value.
  • Command. Set the toe scale filmic tonemapping parameter value.
  • Variable. Print the toe numerator filmic tonemapping parameter value.
  • Command. Set the toe numerator filmic tonemapping parameter value.
  • Variable. Print the white level filmic tonemapping parameter value.
  • Command. Set the white level filmic tonemapping parameter value.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the bokeh effect is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the bokeh effect.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the cross flares effect is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the cross flares effect.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the color of the cross flares.
  • Command. Set the color of the cross flares.
  • Variable. Print the value of the scale of the cross flares.
  • Command. Set the scale of the cross flares, higher values produce more pronounced flares.
  • Variable. Print the number of shafts in a cross flare.
  • Command. Set the number of shafts in a cross flare. High number of flares can cause a FPS drop on low-performance hardware.
  • Variable. Print the length of a cross flare.
  • Command. Set the length of a cross flare. Higher values also lead to fading of the shafts across their length.
  • Variable. Print the cross flares orientation angle.
  • Command. Set the cross flares orientation angle.
  • Variable. Print the brightness threshold for areas to produce cross flares.
  • Command. Set the brightness threshold for areas to produce cross flares. The higher the threshold value, the brighter the area should be to produce flare.
  • Variable. Print the global distance scale for all distance parameters: shadow distance, light distance, LOD distances, etc.
  • Command. Set the global distance scale for all distance parameters: shadow distance, light distance, LOD distances, etc.
  • Variable. Print the distance starting from which the Clutter nodes will not be rendered.
  • Command. Set the distance starting from which the Clutter nodes will not be rendered.
  • Variable. Print the distance starting from which the Decal nodes will not be rendered.
  • Command. Set the distance starting from which the Decal nodes will not be rendered.
  • Variable. Print the distance starting from which the Field nodes will not be rendered.
  • Command. Set the distance starting from which the Field nodes will not be rendered.
  • Variable. Print the distance starting from which the Light nodes will not be rendered.
  • Command. Set the distance starting from which the Light nodes will not be rendered.
  • Variable. Print the distance starting from which the Object nodes will not be rendered.
  • Command. Set the distance starting from which the Object nodes will not be rendered.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if dynamic reflection is enabled.
  • Command. Enable dynamic reflection.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if dynamic reflections blurring is enabled.
  • Command. Enables blurring of dynamic reflections for materials.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if reduction of resolution of dynamic reflections when the camera moves away is enabled.
  • Command. Enable reduction of resolution of dynamic reflections when the camera moves away.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the distance starting from which reflections will not be rendered.
  • Command. Set the distance starting from which reflections will not be rendered.
  • Variable. Print the value of the wireframe color.
  • Command. Sets the color for the wireframe.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the lens flares effect is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the lens flares effect.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value of the lens flares color.
  • Command. Set the value of the lens flares color.
  • Variable. Print the value of the lens flares scale.
  • Command. Set the value of the lens flares scale.
  • Variable. Print the value of the lens flares length, indicating if the whole radial lens flare is rendered on the screen or only a part of it. This option controls how lens flares pattern is distributed.
  • Command. Set the value of the lens flares length, indicating if the whole radial lens flare is rendered on the screen or only a part of it. This option controls how lens flares pattern is distributed.
  • Variable. Print the value of the lens flares radius on the screen.
  • Command. Set the value of the lens flares radius on the screen.
  • Variable. Print the value of the brightness threshold for areas to produce lens flares.
  • Command. Set the value of the brightness threshold for areas to produce lens flares: the higher the threshold value, the brighter the area should be to produce flares.
  • Variable. Print the value of the lens flares dispersion: displacement for for red, green and blue channels.
  • Command. Set the value of the lens flares dispersion: displacement for for red, green and blue channels.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the motion blur effect is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the motion blur effect.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if neat silhouettes option for motion blur is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the neat silhouettes option for motion blur. This option keeps contours of objects in front of the camera unblurred.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value of the current motion blur intensity.
  • Command. Set the intensity of the noise used in the motion blur.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - range
0.25 - by default
  • Variable. Print the current number of steps used in the motion blur.
  • Command. Set the number of steps used in the motion blur.
4 - by default
  • Variable. Print the scale value of bodies' linear and angular velocities used for the motion blur.
  • Command. Set the scale value of bodies' linear and angular velocities used for the motion blur.
  • Variable. Print the maximum scaled velocity of bodies used for the motion blur.
  • Command. Set the maximum scaled velocity of bodies used for the motion blur.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the transparent blur effect is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the transparent blur for materials. This option makes it possible to render matte transparent materials like matte glass.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if refraction is enabled.
  • Command. Enable refraction.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value of the refraction displacement.
  • Command. Sets the refraction displacement for red, green and blue channels (according to refraction texture of refractive materials). Can be used to create light dispersion (chromatic aberrations).
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the sharpening effect is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable the sharpening effect.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value of the sharpening effect intensity.
  • Command. Set intensity of the sharpening effect.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the current VR-emulation mode.
  • Command. Set the VR-emulation mode.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - HTC Vive emulation
2 - HTC Vive Pro emulation
3 - Oculus Rift emulation
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the current stereo rendering mode.
  • Command. Set the stereo rendering mode (it is not possible to set a stereo mode via a console if a default system script is used; it allows for setting it only on the start-up).
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled anaglyph stereo
2 - enabled interlaced stereo
3 - enabled horizontal stereo
4 - enabled vertical stereo
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if screen space reflections are enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable screen space reflections.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the importance sampling mode is enabled for the SSR effect.
  • Command. Enable the importance sampling mode for the SSR effect.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if fast tracing is enabled for the SSR effect.
  • Command. Enable fast tracing for the SSR effect.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if increased accuracy is enabled for the SSR effect.
  • Command. Enable increased accuracy for the SSR effect.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if noise reduction is enabled for the SSR effect.
  • Command. Enable noise reduction for the SSR effect.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the resolution of screen space reflections.
  • Command. Set the resolution of screen space reflections.
0 - render reflections in quarter resolution
1 - render reflections in half resolution (by default)
2 - render reflections in full resolution
  • Variable. Print the resolution of the depth buffer used for SSR calculation.
  • Command. Set resolution of the depth buffer used for SSR calculation.
0 - quarter resolution
1 - half resolution (by default)
2 - full resolution
  • Variable. Print the resolution of the color buffer used for SSR calculation.
  • Command. Set resolution of the color buffer used for SSR calculation.
0 - quarter resolution
1 - half resolution (by default)
2 - full resolution
  • Variable. Print the current quality of screen space reflections roughness.
  • Command. Set the quality of screen space reflections roughness.
0 - low quality
1 - medium quality (by default)
2 - high quality
3 - ultra quality
  • Variable. Print the number of rays of SSR per pixel that are used to calculate rough refrections.
  • Command. Set the number of rays of SSR per pixel that are used to calculate rough refrections.
4 - default
  • Variable. Print the number of steps of SSR per ray that are used for trace calculation.
  • Command. Set the number of steps of SSR per ray that are used for trace calculation.
16 - default
  • Variable. Print the value size of the trace step used for SSR calculation.
  • Command. Set the size of the trace step used for SSR calculation.
1 - default
  • Variable. Print the value .
  • Command. Set the intensity of the ray noise used for SSR calculation.
0.5f - default
  • Variable. Print the value .
  • Command. Set the intensity of the step noise used for SSR calculation.
0.5f - default
  • Variable. Print the minimum roughness value starting from which the SSR effect begins to fade out.
  • Command. Set the minimum roughness value, starting from which the SSR effect begins to fade out.
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the maximum roughness value starting from which the SSR effect is not rendered.
  • Command. Set the maximum roughness value, starting from which the SSR effect is not rendered.
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value that limits imitation of reflections in areas where SSR cannot get information..
  • Command. Set the value that limits imitation of reflections in areas where SSR cannot get information.
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value that limits imitation of environment cubemap occlusion in areas where SSR cannot get information.
  • Command. Set the value that limits imitation of environment cubemap occlusion in areas where SSR cannot get information.
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the SSRTGI (Screen-Space Ray-Traced Global Illumination) effect enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable SSRTGI.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the fast tracing for SSRTGI is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable fast tracing for the SSRTGI. This option dynamically changes the step size to obtain indirect illumination bounces using low number of steps while keeping performance high. Disabling this option improves quality, but significantly reduces performance. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the increased accuracy for SSRTGI is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable the increased accuracy for the SSRTGI. This option reduces visual artifacts by increasing accuracy of the last step. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSRTGI ray noise intensity.
  • Command. Set the intensity of the ray noise used for the SSRTGI calculation. This parameter is used to reduce the banding effect. The higher is the value, the less pronounced is the banding effect. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
0.3f - default
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSRTGI step noise intensity.
  • Command. Set the intensity of the step noise used for SSRTGI calculation. This parameter is used to reduce the banding effect. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
0.3f - default
  • Variable. Print the number of rays used for SSRTGI calculation.
  • Command. Set the number of rays used for SSRTGI calculation. The higher the value, the better quality. However, this option significantly affects performance. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
16 - default
  • Variable. Print the number of steps used for SSRTGI calculation.
  • Command. Set the number of steps used for SSRTGI calculation. he higher is the value, the better is the quality. However, this option significantly affects performance. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
3 - default
  • Variable. Print the resolution of SSRTGI.
  • Command. Set the resolution of SSRTGI. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
0 - quarter resolution
1 - half resolution (default)
2 - full resolution
  • Variable. Print the resolution of the depth buffer used for SSRTGI calculation.
  • Command. Sets the resolution of the depth buffer used for SSRTGI calculation. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
0 - quarter resolution (default)
1 - half resolution
2 - full resolution
  • Variable. Print the size of the step used for SSRTGI calculation.
  • Command. Set the size of the step used for SSRTGI calculation. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
2.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the upscaling for SSRTGI is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable upscaling for the SSRTGI. This option makes the quality of edges in half and quarter resolution look closer to full. To use this option, the SSRTGI effect must be enabled.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by defaults)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the subsurface scattering is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable the subsurface scattering.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSS (subsurface scattering radius) radius.
  • Command. Set the subsurface scattering radius: distance in the screen space, within which colors will be sampled. It controls how much wrinkles, pores and cavities will be blurred and highlighted. The higher the value, the farther subsurface scattering reaches. Too high values result in the ghosting effect. By the minimum value of 0, no subsurface scattering is rendered.
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSS (subsurface scattering radius) color.
  • Command. Set a subsurface scattering color used to simulate the subsurface component of skin lighting, i.e. the light that bounces inside of the subsurface tissue layers (epidermis and dermis) before exiting. For skin, subsurface color is reddish, due to blood circulating in skin tissues.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating which resolution mode is used for subsurface scattering.
  • Command. Set the resolution mode to be used for subsurface scattering.
0 - quarter
1 - half (by default)
2 - full
  • Variable. Print a value indicating which subsurface scattering quality mode is used.
  • Command. Set the quality mode for the subsurface scattering.
0 - low
1 - medium
2 - high
3 - ultra
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the screen-space bevels are enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable the screen-space bevels.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the current rendering mode of the screen-space bevels.
  • Command. Set the rendering mode of the screen-space bevels. The following modes are available:
    • Better Edges - smooths vertex and surface normals of the object. In this mode, the relief created by using Normal Mapping will be smoothed along with the mesh edges.
    • Better Normals - smooths only vertex normals. In this mode, only edges of the mesh geometry will be bevelled.
0 - better edges
1 - better normals (by default)
  • Variable. Print a value indicating which screen-space bevels quality mode is used.
  • Command. Set the quality mode for the screen-space bevels.
0 - low
1 - medium (by default)
2 - high
3 - ultra
  • Variable. Print the size of the screen-space bevel effect.
  • Command. Set the size of the screen-space bevel effect.
[0.0f; 10.0f]
10.0f by default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the noise that smooths bevels is enabled.
  • Command. Set the value indicating if the noise that smooths bevels is enabled. It is recommended to use the noise with TAA enabled to avoid visual artifacts. The bevel noise is applied at a certain distance from the camera (i.e. if the camera is too far from the object with bevels, the noise won't be applied).
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)

Lighting and Shading

Operations on the lighting and shading.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the environment is enabled.
  • Command. Use the environment.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the environment cubemap blending mode.
  • Command. Set the environment cubemap blending mode.
0 - alpha blend (by default)
1 - additive blend
2 - multiply
3 - overlay
  • Variable. Print the current mode of haze rendering.
  • Command. Set the mode of haze rendering.
0 - disabled the haze
1 - enabled the haze colored the specific color
2 - enabled the haze colored the sky LUT (by default)
  • Variable. Print the environment haze gradient mode.
  • Command. Set the environment haze gradient mode.
0 - better for short distance range
1 - better for long distance range
  • Variable. Print the current number of lights per batch call.
  • Command. Set maximum number of lights per batch call.
0 - disabled optimization (by default)
  • Variable. Print the grid size in tiles per axis (8 by default).
  • Command. Set the grid size in tiles per axis.
  • Variable. Print the current maximum number of environment probes per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
  • Command. Set the maximum number of environment probes per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
[0; 128] - the range
4 - by default
  • Variable. Print the current maximum number of omni lights per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
  • Command. Set the maximum number of omni lights per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
[0; 128] - the range
4 - by default
  • Variable. Print the current maximum number of projected lights per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
  • Command. Set the maximum number of projected lights per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
[0; 128] - the range
4 - by default
  • Variable. Print the current maximum number of voxel probes per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
  • Command. Set the maximum number of voxel probes per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
[0; 128] - the range
4 - by default
  • Variable. Print the current maximum number of world lights per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
  • Command. Set the maximum number of world lights per object (available only for materials rendered in the forward rendering pass).
[0; 128] - the range
4 - by default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if rendering of per-light lens flares is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable rendering of per-light lens flares.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating whether screen-space ambient occlusion is enabled.
  • Command. Use screen-space ambient occlusion.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the noise reduction for the ray-traced SSAO is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the noise reduction for the ray-traced SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion). This option reduces noise by using blur effect. Ray-traced SSAO calculation is available only when the SSRTGI technique is enabled.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the current threshold value for the ray-traced SSAO.
  • Command. Set the threshold value for the ray-traced SSAO. Ray-traced SSAO calculation is available only when the SSRTGI technique is enabled.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available values
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the ray tracing for SSAO is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the ray tracing for SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) calculation. When enabled, SSAO provides more realistic shadows between the objects. Ray-traced SSAO calculation is available only when the SSRTGI technique is enabled.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating whether the cavity option for the SSAO is enabled.
  • Command. Enables or disables the cavity option for the SSAO effect. This option improves (sharpens) the look of junction contours at low resolutions, so it should be used for detail enhancement (small stones, bolts and so on).
0 - disabled
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the intensity of sharpening of contours for the cavity option.
  • Command. Set the intensity of sharpening of contours for the cavity option.
1.0f - by default
  • Variable. Print the size of junction contours area for the cavity option.
  • Command. Set the size of junction contours area for the cavity option.
1.0f - by default
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSAO radius.
  • Command. Set the radius of SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion).
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available values
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the current threshold value for the SSAO.
  • Command. Set the threshold value for the SSAO.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available values
0.5f - default
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSAO intensity.
  • Command. Set the intensity of the SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) for the scene.
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSAO intensity for the scene object's lighted side.
  • Command. Set the intensity of the SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) for the scene object's lighted side.
  • Variable. Print the value of the SSAO intensity on reflections.
  • Command. Sets the intensity of SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) on reflections.
1.0f - default
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the quality of screen-space ambient occlusion.
  • Command. Set screen-space ambient occlusion quality.
0 - use 4 samples
1 - use 8 samples
2 - use 16 samples
3 - use 32 samples
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the resolution of screen-space ambient occlusion.
  • Command. Set screen-space ambient resolution quality.
0 - quarter
1 - half (by default)
2 - full
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if screen-space ambient occlusion noise is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the screen-space ambient occlusion noise.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled


Operations on geodetics.

Name Description Arguments
render_show_geodetic_pivot 0 - the geodetic pivot is hidden (by default)
1 - the geodetic pivot is displayed


Operations on shadows.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print a value indicating whether shadows are rendered or not.
  • Command. Enable shadows rendering.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print a value indicating whether alpha test for shadows is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable alpha test for shadows.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the current precision of soft shadows.
  • Command. Set the value indicating the current precision of soft shadows.
0 - 16-bit precision
1 - 32-bit precision (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the screen-space shadows are enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable screen-space shadows.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the distance starting from which shadows will not be rendered.
  • Command. Set the distance starting from which shadows will not be rendered.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if shadow shafts are enabled.
  • Command. Enable shadows shafts.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value of the contrast used for volumetric shadows.
  • Command. Set the contrast used for volumetric shadows.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available values
0.0f - shadows are not seen
  • Variable. Print the value of the volumetric shadows length.
  • Command. Set the length of volumetric shadows.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - available values
0.0f - shadows are not seen
1 - shadows are long enough to occupy the whole screen
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if sun shafts are enabled.
  • Command. Enable sun shafts.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print the color of the sun shafts.
  • Command. Set the color of the sun shafts.
  • Variable. Print the scale of the sun shafts.
  • Command. Set the scale of the sun shafts, higher values produce larger shafts.
  • Variable. Print the length of the sun shafts.
  • Command. Set the length of the sun shafts.
  • Variable. Print the attenuation value of the sun shafts.
  • Command. Set the attenuation value of the sun shafts.
  • Variable. Print the threshold of the sun shafts.
  • Command. Set the threshold of the sun shafts.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if Parallel Split Shadow Map (PSSM) splits for world lights are enabled.
  • Command. Enable Parallel Split Shadow Map (PSSM) splits for world lights.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if penumbra (half-shade regions) in color is enabled.
  • Command. Enable penumbra (half-shade regions).
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the soft shadows are used.
  • Command. Enable or disable the soft shadows.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the quality of the soft shadows.
  • Command. Set the quality of the soft shadows.
0 - low
1 - medium
2 - high
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the jittering for shadows casted by the omni light sources is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable jittering for shadows casted by the omni light sources.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled
render_shadows_world_lerp_cascades 0 - disabled
1 - enabled

Clouds Rendering

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print a value of the downsampling rendering for clouds.
  • Command. Set the downsampling rendering for clouds. This parameter determines clouds resolution based on current screen resolution. It has a significant impact on performance.
0 - full
1 - half (by default)
2 - quarter
  • Variable. Print a value of the dynamic coverage area for clouds.
  • Command. Set the dynamic coverage area for clouds. This parameter determines visibility distance for coverage of FieldWeather objects.
10000 - by default
  • Variable. Print a value of the dynamic coverage resolution for clouds.
  • Command. Set the dynamic coverage resolution for clouds. This parameter determines the quality of dynamic coverage texture for FieldWeather objects. Higher values make it possible to preserve texture details at high distances.
0 - 128×128
1 - 256×256 (by default)
2 - 512×512
3 - 1024×1024
4 - 2048×2048
  • Variable. Print a value indicating if the rendering of shadows from the clouds on the ground.
  • Command. Enable rendering of shadows from the clouds on the ground.
1 - enable (by default)
2 - disable
  • Variable. Print a value indicating if the interleaved rendering mode for clouds is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the interleaved rendering mode for clouds.
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - 2×2
2 - 4×4
3 - 8×8
render_clouds_lighting_cone_radius [0.0f; 1.0f] - the range
0.3f - default
  • Variable. Print the value of the lighting quality for clouds.
  • Command. Set lighting quality for clouds. This parameter determines the number of samples used to calculate lighting for clouds.
0 - 1 sample, low quality
1 - 3 samples, medium quality (by default)
2 - 5 samples, high quality
3 - 6 samples, ultra quality
render_clouds_lighting_tracelength [1.0f; 2048.0f] - the range
230.0f - by default
  • Variable. Print the current value of the noise step parameter for clouds.
  • Command. Set the noise step parameter value for clouds.
[0.0f; 1.0f] - the range
0.3f - default
render_clouds_noise_step_skip [0.0f; 1.0f] - the range
0.3f - default
render_clouds_noise_iterations [0.0f; 1.0f] - the range
0.1f - default
render_clouds_noise_lighting [0.0f; 1.0f] - the range
0.3f - default
  • Variable. Print the number of samples used for clouds rendering.
  • Command. Set the number of samples used for clouds rendering.
0 - 1 sample, low quality
1 - 3 samples, medium quality
2 - 5 samples, high quality (by default)
3 - 6 samples, ultra quality
  • Variable. Print the sampling quality set for clouds.
  • Command. Set the sampling quality for clouds. This parameter determines the number of samples used and affects cloud density.
0 - 1 sample, low quality (higher cloud density)
1 - 3 samples, medium quality (by default)
2 - 5 samples, high quality
3 - 6 samples, ultra quality (lower density, the clouds are softer)
  • Variable. Print a value indicating if the shadow shafts for clouds are enabled.
  • Command. Enable shadow shafts for clouds.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print a value indicating if the simplified depth test for clouds is enabled.
  • Command. Enable simplified depth test for clouds.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print a value of the soft intersection distance for clouds.
  • Command. Set the soft intersection distance for clouds.
[0.0f; 100000.0f] - range
100.0f - by default
  • Variable. Print a value indicating if rendering of clouds after all transparent objects (except water) is enabled.
  • Command. Enable rendering of clouds after all transparent objects (except water).
0 - disabled (by default)
1 - enabled

Terrain Rendering

The commands described below affect only terrain (the ObjectTerrain class).
Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print a value indicating the current terrain texture anisotropy level.
  • Command. Set the terrain texture anisotropy level.
0 - anisotropy level 1
1 - anisotropy level 2
2 - anisotropy level 4 (default)
3 - anisotropy level 8
4 - anisotropy level 16
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if displacement mapping is enabled for terrain rendering.
  • Command. Enable or disable displacement mapping for terrain rendering.
0 - disable
1 - enable (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if displacement mapping for terrain rendering uses normals.
  • Command. Enable or disable use of normals in displacement mapping for terrain rendering.
0 - disable
1 - enable (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if decal-based terrain holes are enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable rendering of decal-based terrain holes.
0 - disable
1 - enable (by default)
  • Variable. Print a value indicating what terrain albedo textures (coarse or refined) are used.
  • Command. Set the type (coarse or refined) of albedo terrain textures.
0 - use coarse albedo
1 - use refined albedo
  • Variable. Print a value indicating what terrain mask textures (coarse of refined) are used.
  • Command. Set the type (coarse of refined) of mask terrain textures.
0 - use coarse mask
1 - use refined mask
  • Variable. Print a value indicating what terrain normal textures (coarse of refined) are used.
  • Command. Set the type (coarse of refined) of normal terrain textures.
0 - use coarse normal
1 - use refined normal
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if triplanar texture mapping is enabled for terrain rendering.
  • Command. Enable or disable triplanar texture mapping for terrrain rendering.
0 - disable (planar UV-mapping is used)
1 - enable (by default)

Water Rendering

The commands described below affect only global water (the ObjectWater class).
Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print a value indicating the current water texture anisotropy level.
  • Command. Set the water texture anisotropy level.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the current water texture anisotropy level.
  • Command. Set the water texture anisotropy level.
0 - anisotropy level 1
1 - anisotropy level 2 (default)
2 - anisotropy level 4
3 - anisotropy level 8
4 - anisotropy level 16
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if environment probes are enabled for water rendering.
  • Command. Enable or disable environment probes for water rendering.
0 - disable
1 - enable (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if voxel probes are enabled for water rendering.
  • Command. Enable or disable voxel probes for water rendering.
0 - disable
1 - enable (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if lights are enabled for water rendering.
  • Command. Enable or disable lights for water rendering.
0 - disable
1 - enable (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if writing depth for water in opacity buffer is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable writing depth for water in opacity buffer.
0 - disable
1 - enable (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value of water refraction quality.
  • Command. Set the quality of water refraction.
0 - low quality
1 - medium quality
2 - high quality
3 - ultra quality (by default)
  • Variable. Print a value indicating if the water screen-space reflections are enabled.
  • Command. Enable the water screen-space reflections.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)
  • Variable. Print a value indicating which water screen-space reflections quality mode is used.
  • Command. Set the quality mode for the water screen-space reflections.
0 - low
1 - medium
2 - high
3 - ultra
  • Variable. Print a value indicating if the increased accuracy for the water screen-space reflections is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the increased accuracy for the water screen-space reflections.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if underwater shafts are enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable underwater shafts.
0 - disable
1 - enable (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if shoreline wetness is enabled.
  • Command. Enable or disable shoreline wetness.
0 - disable
1 - enable (by default)

Output Modes

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating which mode of panoramic rendering is enabled.
  • Command. Enable panoramic rendering of the specified mode.
If the panoramic rendering is enabled, underwater shafts and water line effects will be disabled.
0 - disabled panoramic rendering (by default)
1 - a 180-degree panorama with curved edges
2 - a 180-degree linear panorama without distortion at the edges
3 - a 180-degree spherical panorama (fisheye)
4 - a 360-degree panorama with curved edges
5 - a 360-degree linear panorama without distortion at the edges
6 - a 360-degree spherical panorama (fisheye)

Other Settings

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if a query test is run.
  • Command. Run an additional hardware occlusion query test before sending data to the GPU.
0 - disable occlusion query
1 - enable occlusion query (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating the number of frames required for the occlusion query update.
  • Command. Set the number of frames for the occlusion query update.
Make sure that the additional hardware occlusion query test is run.
Number of frames
  • Variable. Print the value of the virtual screen resolution.
  • Command. Set the virtual screen resolution. This option can be used to render video with high resolution (e.g. 8K) regardless of monitor's resolution.
(-1; -1) - by default
Available values range is [0;16384]
  • Variable. Print the current maximum FPS value, to which rendering FPS is clamped.
  • Command. Set the maximum FPS value, to which rendering FPS is to be clamped.
0 - disables FPS clamping (by default)


Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the value indicating whether the debug context is enabled.
  • Command. Enable the debug context of OpenGL or DirectX 11. To come to effect, the command requires video_restart to be run after it.
    Enabling the debug context may cause performance drop (~30-40%).
Direct X:
  • 0 to disable
  • 1 to write all DirectX errors (red) and warnings (yellow). If the error occurred, it means that there is a mistake in API.
  • 2 to write all DirectX errors (red) and warnings (yellow). If the error occurred, the engine will crash and the full callstack will be shown.
  • 0 to disable
  • 1 to write all OpenGL errors (red) and warnings (yellow). If the error occurred, it means that there is a mistake in API.
  • 2 works in the same way as 1 mode.

DirectX 11

Operations on the Direct3D11 API.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print the information about the hardware configuration.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the Direct3D 11 level compute shader is applied.
  • Command. Apply the Direct3D 11 level compute shader.
0 - not applied
1 - applied (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if tessellation is enabled.
  • Command. Enable tessellation.
0 - disabled
1 - enabled (by default)


Operations on the OpenGL API.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print the information on the graphics card.
  • Command. Print the manufacturer of the OpenGL driver.
  • Command. Print the version of the OpenGL driver.
  • Command. Print the version of the OpenGL shading language.
  • Command. Print OpenGL render extensions.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the GL_ARB_compute_shader extension is set.
  • Command. Set the GL_ARB_compute_shader extension.
0 - not set (by default)
1 - set
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the GL_ARB_sample_shading extension is set.
  • Command. Set the GL_ARB_sample_shading extension.
0 - not set
1 - set (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if the GL_ARB_tessellation_shader extension is set.
  • Command. Set the GL_ARB_tessellation_shader extension.
0 - not set
1 - set (by default)
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if OpenGL errors are skipped.
  • Command. Skip OpenGL errors.
0 - checked (by default)
1 - skipped

OpenAL Settings

Operations on the OpenAL API.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Print the information on the sound card.
  • Command. Print the manufacturer of the OpenAL driver.
  • Command. Print the version of the OpenAL driver.
  • Command. Print the available OpenAL sound extensions.
  • Command. Print OpenAL context sound extensions.
  • Variable. Print the value indicating if OpenAL errors are skipped.
  • Command. Skip OpenAL errors.
0 - checked (by default)
1 - skipped


Operations on external plugins.

Name Description Arguments
  • Command. Loads an external plugin.
External plugin name.
  • Command. Reloads an external plugin.
External plugin name.
  • Command. Quits and unloads an external plugin.
External plugin name.

Bake Lighting

Operations on the Bake Lighting tool.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the current number of light bounces.
  • Command. Set the number of light bounces.
[1; 32] - the range
1 - by default
  • Variable. Print the current number of voxels computed and visualized per single frame.
  • Command. Set the number of voxels computed and visualized per single frame.
[1; 100] - the range
1 - by default
  • Variable. Print the current multiplier of voxel size.
  • Command. Set the voxel size multiplier.
[0.0; 8.0] - the range
1.0 - by default
  • Command. Start bake lighting.
  • Command. Stop bake lighting.


Operations on the screenshot.

Name Description Arguments
  • Variable. Print the current screenshot format.
  • Command. Set a screenshot format.
0 - TGA (by default)
1 - DDS
2 - PNG
3 - JPG
  • Command. Take a screenshot.
    A screenshot is saved in the bin/screenshots directory by default. You can specify another directory.
A path to the folder the screenshots will be saved in (optional)

General Information

Memory Info

Operations, representing information on the system memory.

Name Description
  • Command. Print information on the memory dump in form of the fragmentation map.
  • Command. Print information on the memory usage:
    1. Heap usage - size of the heap memory
    2. Memory usage - size of the used system memory
    3. Allocations - number of allocations
  • Command. Dump memory pools (useful for offline analysis).

CPU Info

Operations, representing information on the CPU.

Name Description
  • Command. Print information on the CPU and instruction set supported by it.
  • Command. Print the CPU frequency in MHz.
  • Command. Print the number of available CPUs.

System Info

Operations, representing information on the system.

Name Description
  • Command. Print information on the engine binary.
  • Command. Print information on the operating system and the engine build version.
  • Command. Print the system memory size in Mbytes.

GPU Info

Operations, representing information on the GPU.

Name Description
  • Command. Print the video card and driver versions.
  • Command. Print the video memory size in Mbytes.
  • Command. Print the number of available GPUs.
Last update: 2018-08-10
Build: ()