Dissolve 示例
This material graph sample demonstrates how to create an Alpha Test material with a dissolve effect.此材质图表示例演示了如何创建具有溶解效果的 Alpha 测试材质。
The effect is achieved by sampling data from the noise_m noise texture and shifting its values via a slider parameter. The sharp black-white mask is obtained via the Step node, the output of which is connected to the Opacity input of the Material node. The Opacity Clip Threshold is set in the middle of the range via a Float node.该效果是通过从 noise_m 噪声纹理中采样数据并通过滑块范围。通过 Step 节点获得清晰的黑白掩码,其输出连接到 Material 节点的 Opacity 输入。 Opacity Clip Threshold 通过 Float 节点设置在范围的中间。
The mask with some border_width offset is also treated as a mask for material's Emission.偏移量为 border_width 的遮罩也被视为材质 Emission 的遮罩。
The result结果
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