Simple PBR Material 示例
This material graph sample demonstrates creation of a simple PBR material.此材质图表示例演示了如何创建简单的 PBR 材质。
The Mesh Opaque PBR material is provided with the following data inputs:Mesh Opaque PBR 材质提供以下数据输入:
- Albedo — taken from the Albedo texture (Texture 2D node) sampled by the Sample Texture node and multiplied (Multiply node) by the color multiplier provided by the Color parameter node (enabling you to adjust a color value via the Parameters panel in UnigineEditor).Albedo — 取自由 Sample Texture 节点采样的Albedo纹理(Texture 2D 节点)并乘以 Color 参数节点提供的颜色乘数(Multiply 节点)(使您能够通过 UnigineEditor 中的 Parameters 面板调整颜色值)。
- Metalness — R value taken from the Shading texture using the x port adapter multiplied (Multiply node) by a metalness coefficient provided by the Slider parameter node.Metalness — 使用 x 从Shading纹理中获取的 R 值端口适配器乘以(Multiply 节点)由 Slider 参数节点提供的金属系数。
- Roughness — G value taken from the Shading texture using the y port adapter multiplied (Multiply node) by a roughness coefficient provided by the Slider parameter node.Roughness — 使用 y 端口适配器从着色纹理中获取的 G 值乘以(Multiply 节点)由 Slider 参数节点提供的粗糙度系数。
- Normal — taken from the tangent-space Normal map data (Texture 2D node) sampled by the Sample Texture node.Normal — 取自 Sample Texture 节点采样的切线空间法线贴图数据(Texture 2D 节点)。
- Occlusion — taken from the Ambient Occlusion texture (Texture 2D node) sampled by the Sample Texture node.Occlusion — 取自 Sample Texture 节点采样的Ambient Occlusion纹理(Texture 2D 节点)。
Finally, the data output is passed to the Final node.最后,将数据输出传递给 Final 节点。
The result结果
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