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engine.console Functions

This set of functions controls console-related parameters.

void engine.console.addCommand (string name, string description, string function)

Adds a custom console command bound to a given script function. The command can have up to 6 arguments, which will be passed to the script function.

The example shows how to add a custom console command with 2 arguments:

Source code (UnigineScript)
namespace Test {
    // A script function to be performed for no arguments input.
    void my_command_callback() {
        log.message("my_command callback\n");

    // A script function to be performed for one argument input.
    void my_command_callback(string arg_0) {
        log.message("my_command callback arg_0 :%s\n",arg_0);

    // A script function to be performed for two arguments input.
    void my_command_callback(string arg_0,string arg_1) {
        log.message("my_command callback arg_0:%s, arg_1:%s\n",arg_0,arg_1);

int init() {
    engine.console.addCommand("my_command","my_command description","Test::my_command_callback");
    return 1;

int shutdown() {
    return 1;
The result will be the following:
// Input value: my_command 
my_command callback

// Input value: my_command 1
my_command callback arg_0 :1

// Input value: my_command 1 2
my_command callback arg_0 :1 arg_1 :1


  • string name - Name of the new console command.
  • string description - Short description to be displayed in the console.
  • string function - Name of the target script function.

void engine.console.flush ()

Forces to execute all pending console commands. Be careful, since forced execution of some console commands (world_load, world_quit or state_restore that reload a currently executed script) can lead to a crash.

int engine.console.getActivity ()

Returns a state of the console.

Return value

1 if the console is active (opened); otherwise, 0.

float engine.console.getFloat (string variable)

Returns a float value of a given variable.


  • string variable - Variable name.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int engine.console.getInt (string variable)

Returns an integer value of a given variable.


  • string variable - Variable name.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int engine.console.getLock ()

Checks if the console is disabled.

Return value

1 if the console is disabled; otherwise, 0.

string engine.console.getString (string variable)

Returns a string value of a given variable.


  • string variable - Variable name.

Return value

Value of the variable.

int engine.console.isCommand (string command)

Returns a value indicating if a command with a given name exists.


  • string command - Command name.

Return value

1 if the command exists; otherwise, 0.

int engine.console.isVariable (string variable)

Returns a value indicating if a variable with a given name exists.


  • string variable - Variable name.

Return value

1 if the variable exists; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.print (string format, ... )

Prints a text to the console. Allows multiple arguments in the C printf() style.


void engine.console.removeCommand (string name)

Removes a custom console command.


  • string name - Name of the custom console command.

void (string command, ... )

Runs a console command with its parameters. A formatted string should be passed: for example, "command" (no argument), "command %s" (string argument), etc.


  • string command - Console command.
  • ... - Arguments to the command, multiple allowed.


Source code (UnigineScript)
// Run a console command to load a world"world_load menu");

// Run a console command to change DOF mode
int mode = 3;"render_dof %d && render_restart",mode);

void engine.console.setActivity (int state)

Open or close the console. By default the console is closed.


  • int state - Positive integer to make the console active (opened); otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setBackgroundColor (vec4 color)

Sets a background color for the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

void engine.console.setErrorColor (vec4 color)

Sets a color for error messages in the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

void engine.console.setFloat (string variable, float value)

Sets a float value for a given variable.


  • string variable - Variable name.
  • float value - Value of the variable.

void engine.console.setInt (string variable, int value)

Sets an integer value for a given variable.


  • string variable - Variable name.
  • int value - Value of the variable.

void engine.console.setLock (int lock)

Disables or enables the console. By default the console is enabled.


  • int lock - Positive integer to disable the console; otherwise, 0.

void engine.console.setMessageColor (vec4 color)

Sets a color for ordinary messages in the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

void engine.console.setPrompt (string prompt)

Updates the console prompt. The default prompt is Unigine~#.


  • string prompt - New console prompt.

void engine.console.setString (string variable, string value)

Sets a string value for a given variable.


  • string variable - Variable name.
  • string value - Value of the variable.

void engine.console.setTextColor (vec4 color)

Sets a common font color for the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.

void engine.console.setWarningColor (vec4 color)

Sets a color for warning messages in the console.


  • vec4 color - Four-component vector specifying the color in the RGBA format.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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